I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I finished National Novel Writing Month in November, so you'll be seeing parts from that for the next couple of months as I expand and edit the rough draft. A while later she was on the other side of town, knocking on Lorenzo Baldocinetti's door. The sign above the door said "Inventor." Pages from the local printing press were plastered on the window for all to see and read. Only one new one since last week, and it just looked like an ad for hiring new experts to help on the latest invention.
"Looks like an alchemist, circus performer, young man to work hard, and a smart child." Sounded like a riddle. Must be something Lorenzo put together himself. The door opened and the hunched man smiled. "I was hoping you'd show up today."
I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I just finished participating in National Novel Writing Month, so you'll be seeing parts from that for the next couple of weeks/month as I expand and edit. She took a deep breath, and took a step forward, waiting for the inevitable buckling of her leg and painful collapse to the floor. But it didn't happen because the metal contraption held her foot in place. There she was, with one foot in front of the other, without falling.
Her middle brother shouted, "Molly Molly, you took a step! You took a step!" He ran off yelling it through the yard. She gulped, and put weight on that leg. It held. |
Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books