For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) I ended up writing the ending to this flash piece about four times and I'm still not sure it's quite right. But it was finished and handed in on time. I'll see what responses their are, then see about the ending again. I didn't finish the second short paper. There was a top priority critique needed for the anthology, so that took priority. I'll be sure to do it this weekend. I called into one class. The other was canceled due to weather. Did the other homework that has come up. Overall a success, though cutting it close on the deadlines. 2) I realized that I set the bar too high for this and it was making me drag my feet. Some of the point of making minigoals is to feel like I'm in control and can get them done in the time that I have. This wasn't the case, so I've limited this to sending out 5 emails per day and a number of critiques per checkin instead of one per day. 3) I ended up doing some of this. Looked at the book once and watched on Dogen video. This will get more focus once big goal four is completed next week. 4) Completed lesson 7a for both classes. Surprisingly both said that they would have an additional lesson this week to finish out their topics, then a summary lesson this Friday. The extra work is what I was focusing on during lunch instead of learning Japanese, and it has been worth it, just a little skewed from my original intentions. Small Goals: 1) Mon and Tue I ended up sleeping in a bit. I did get breakfast though, as I had gotten myself croissants from a local bakery. This morning was perfect. I got up with my first alarm. Started the water for tea. Went out and shoveled. Got back in, warmed myself with tea, made breakfast, and left early so that I had the time to deal with the snow. This is why I set this goal! It worked and I've been feeling good all day! 2) Sun and Mon I was so tired I skipped reading and feel straight asleep. Tues I took a hot shower right on time and read for only 15minutes, meaning I fell asleep by 10. (I think that's some of the reason this morning went so well.) It was lovely, and honestly helped by the fact that I choose a kinda challenging book to read next. Quest of the Three Worlds. 3) Finished writing two pages for the next meditation and listened to the current ones twice. 4) Kept up with eBay there have been a couple more sales. Nothing too interesting. I also looked into etsy. It looks like it's 20cents to list an item and 10% in various payments per item sold. Pretty reasonable, and no monthly fee or anything so I'll probably put some of my crafts up there. 5) No change. 6) Success! Finished reading the kindle book 'Once Ghosted, Twice Shy' it was a fun read, though also with room for the author to grow. Also read a chapter of the physical book, and the eBook. 7) Read a chunk of 7 Habits. It doesn't lead itself to chapters. I've mostly going by concepts instead. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Finish paper for world civ. See about writing another flash fiction piece for creative writing. Look over videos and notes for both. 2) Send 5 emails per day. Finish four critiques. BONUS for all six in group one. (If I achieve the bonus I'll have to find a way to reward myself.) 3) Look into penpal (ask friend for help). Watch movie. Watch new Dogen video. Read one lesson in book. 4) Finish out the classes. Make sure to save the lessons and my responses this weekend, as they won't be open forever. Small Goals: 1) Keep at it. Try not to schedule too much for the morning so that there is time to shovel and otherwise deal with weather. 2) Keep at it. I know it can work, so I just need to make it a priority. 3) Record the page of audio meditation I wrote. Listen to the other recordings twice. 4) Keep up with eBay. Make account on etsy. Check over monthly finances. 5) Keep up as needed. 6) Read another chapter of physical book and eBook. 7) Read another section of 7 Habits. I like the book a lot already, though the intro was a little too long. Thanks for reading! Shannon
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For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
I set big intentions for this check-in and got to most of them. Now I'm in need of a low key set of days before gearing up to the next major tasks. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) I finished, edited, and turned in short paper one for class. I started paper two and did the needed research. I'll be finishing it and turning it in before the next checkin. (It's due Feb 19th, so I'm well ahead of schedule.) Wrote up the outline and first half of my short story for creative writing. This will be finished at writers group tonight then polished and turned in tomorrow. (Due Tuesday, so this will be the focus.) Also finished and turned in a paper for world civ. 2) This was my main focus, and it shows! Made truffles. Charged and used the tablet. Critiqued the extra story plus most of the poetry. Did the needed research for the upcoming meeting and used it to put together some pointed meeting minutes. I think that the new format worked really well, and everyone seemed happy with many decisions that we made during that meeting. Overall a win/win/win! 3) I did watch one video a day, did not record myself speaking Japanese. 4) Completed both lessons and the homework. Small Goals: 1) The morning routine has been getting better. I got up at six am twice and got a lot done. It also gave me the flexibility to leave for work early and with the nasty weather we've been getting I used it. 2) The going to bed routine went reasonably well too, as long as I was home on time. When I'm out I end up getting home at my bedtime or later, meaning no time to cool down. 3) I listened to my meditations two times. I've been enjoying quite time in the car lately, and I don't think that's a bad thing. 4) I've sold 6 things on eBay! It hasn't brought in much, about $20. But it's money I didn't have, and items out of my house so that's a win/win. I also did canceled humble-bundle subscription to save $144 for the year. I did splurge on anther indie eBook at $3. Considering how much food I haven't splurged on lately I think this is a very reasonable reward, plus it's helping other authors! 5) I thought this was paused but one of my contacts emailed me again with a more finalized date, and I took it. Waiting for her confirmation that I'm on the list then I can start advertising! 6) Overachieved by finishing my physical book, and reading over half of the Kindle book! 7) As planned, no progress on this one. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Finish and hand in short story. Finish and hand in short paper 2. Call into both classes. Do other homework as it comes up. 2) Start sending out 10 acceptance/rejection emails a day until everything is accounted for. Do a critique a day on accepted pieces. (These will be going on for a while.) 3) Watch new movie and read learning Japanese book three times. 4) Lesson 7 plus homework for both classes. Small Goals: 1) Continue working at it. I took out morning journaling and I think that helped. 2) Continue working at it. I've been specifically keeping a book next to my bed, that I can only read before bed. We'll see if that helps motivate. 3) Write a page for the next meditation. Listen to the ones I already have three times total. 4) Keep up with eBay. Look into etsy. There aren't any other obvious payments I can cut, but I'll look over my finances again at the end of the month and confirm that. 5) Respond to emails as needed. 6) Finish Kindle book. Read a chapter of physical book and eBook. 7) Read a chapter of 7 habits. Thanks for reading! Shannon For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
It was a reasonable time and kept up with my reasonable goals. Kicking the big goals up a notch fo the next checkin though! AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) I forgot that since it's MLK day that we didn't have class. Thus I have attended one class by calling in and did all applicable homework for both. 2) I ended up having to log in and rename some documents. Not too big of a deal, not quite the hands off I was thinking of. 3) Choose my Japanese reader book from the shelves and read/did the practice assignments for two lessons. It's definitely a good addition for what I was already learning, and helps since I generally learn more through reading. I've been focusing on pronunciation, so that requires listening even if it's harder and slower for me to learn from. Switching between the two seems to be helping so I'll keep it up for a bit. 4) Completed both lesson 5s. The PTSD class had a link to a fascinating documentary clip which I'd like to see more of, if I can find a place to buy it. Seriously Creative has been focusing on the introspective, and my introspection has really summarized to, I should be nicer to myself. Particularly by reminding myself that I am choosing to do a lot of what I am doing, and focusing/enjoying what I'm doing instead of thinking about what I *should* be doing. Small Goals: 1) I have been getting up early, not always right at 6, but still early enough. I had oatmeal with blueberry's and a decadent spoonful of brown sugar along with a cup of tea. It's been a lovely way to start the day. I decided that the morning journal isn't working for me, and instead I've been doing small tasks during the morning. Catching up on some reading and such. I might actually try doing morning writing again, or perhaps morning homework. We'll see. 2) The evenings haven't been as on schedule, mostly because I've been very tired (due to the weather) and therefore going to sleep without reading. (Expect for the one night I read 7 Habits before bed and my mind was racing for at least an hour. Got to keep to fiction.) Overall a medium success. 3) Finished the knitting book. Even though I don't knit I still found it to be enjoyable and applicable to many of my other crafts. I also listened to my meditations 4) Mailed out two sales! Not much, but it'll start my ratings and it's stuff that I wasn't using/enjoying out of my house so that's a win. I also canceled my NYT subscription. They had already charged me for this month, but that's still a 44$ savings for the year. Redeemed some bonus points on the credit card for another 40$. 5) Nothing new. 6) I read at least one new chapter in all of my books! 7) Overachieved by finished the first and second chapters! INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) I wanna clear the field early for my vacation next month, and this is the right time to do it. I wanna do both of my first two short papers for creative writing this weekend, plus write and put together my first piece for class critique. I know that I have plenty already written which could do with some critiquing, but I'd like the extra challenge (and fun) of writing something new. If there is any homework for world civ I'll do that as needed. 2) Get together detailed notes about what needs to get brought up in this upcoming meeting. This will involve some research, data mining, and preliminary decisions. I want to make sure that we can get the most useful time out of our one hour, so I'll be putting at least two hours into it ahead of time. Then there will be the actual meeting this weekend which I'd like to be both useful and fun. By Sunday checkin I'd like the meeting notes to be online along with the next steps and due dates for our action plan. Also I'd like to make truffles for the meeting. Also charge the tablet and bring it along in case it's needed, or maybe even print stuff. Also critique one more story that got added to my list. I knew this goal was going to get lots of attention soon, thus the break for the last couple days. 3) Watch one video a day. Record myself speaking Japanese at least once. 4) Complete both lesson 6s with homework. Small Goals: 1) Keep at it. I'll continue to try working on smaller assignments in the morning. 2) Try to give myself more time for preparing for bed, even when I'm tired. 3) I *should* record another mediation. But I'm trying not to should all over myself, and looking at the big goals I don't think I'll have the time. So I'll keep it simple and listen to the ones that are already recorded at least three times. 4) Continue keeping up on my sales. Cancel my humble-bundle subscription for $144 savings this year. I *should* look into etsy, but I'm going to delay that as well. 5) Paused until next month. 6) I'd like to read one chapter of my physical book and one of my Kindle book. If I get to the others that's a bonus. 7) I'm already ahead in this goal, so this is a perfect time to take advantage of that and pause while I focus on the big stuff. As one of my best friends told me it's not about balance, it's about riding the waves. The waves are focusing on the big goals now, and thus that's where I shall go. See you all Sunday! Shannon For those turning into this round the master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
A strong finish to the week. I had some mild anxiety there, I think it was caused by not putting my school assignments onto my calendar right away, which gave me the impression that all the assignments were due in the next week or two. Obviously that's not the case, all of it should be done by the first week of May and that means plenty of time to spread things out. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) All homework done and turned in as applicable. Happily put all my assignments onto Wunderlist. 2) Posted the meeting agenda and the Hens have seen it. 3) Watched three Dogan videos. Finished watching the Japanese movie "Tokyo Sonata". Great ending, still won't be watching it again. New movie is "Rent-a-Cat". 4) All lessons read and homework completed/posted. Small Goals: 1) Morning routine Thursday was skipped since I slept through it. Friday was solid with me getting up early and getting stuff done. Still not sure what I should do to improve this, other than perhaps having a list of things to do in the morning. (I think I'm less likely to get up for something too routine, I'd rather sleep than ease into the day most of the time.) 2) Evening routine has been better with more reading and hot tub time. (Particularly nice with the snow!) It's led to me getting better sleep too, so very much winning! 3) Meditation has been recorded and posted here. Please take a look and let me know what you think! It ended up being short, but that's kind of nice when asking for feedback because no one has to dedicate too much time and I can learn quickly. I already learned that I need four outlined pages to fill in ten minutes of time, not one. Progress. 4) This one got skewed a bit from the original intentions and ended up as a major overachieve. First I found ten things around the house that I was ready to part with. I find it's easier to make decisions when there's specific examples in mind. I looked into selling them to Amazon. It's a quick option, but not a profitable one. I then looked into selling things on eBay again. It'll be slower but more profitable and not an overwhelming amount of effort, at least for these items. I skipped looking into Etsy, and instead decided to make the plunge into eBay. I tried to open my old account, but found out they deleted it in 2017 due to inactivity. Thus I opened a new account and filled it with my 50 free listings for the month. If they all sell at max I'll make 270$. That's not actually that likely, but a solid 150$ would be lovely indeed. 5) Didn't need to email one more library as the last one contacted me back. Looks like everything is going along, just slowly, for the scheduling. 6) Ended up reading a chapter of three books, but not the fourth. No particular reason, just how the cards fell. 7) Finished the first 30 pages, which is half of chapter one. I think that's plenty and it gave me enough to think about. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Call into two classes. Keep up with all homework. 2) Take a much needed breath before digging into this goal in earnest again. The goal is to not touch this goal for a couple days. 3) I need to change it up a bit, so I'm going to choose one of the books I have on the shelves about learning Japanese and read a bit of that. (Heck, I might choose one of the fully Japanese books I have and try to very slowly translate it or something.) Mostly I want to keep the attention high and doing something new is a great way to do this. 4) Do lesson 5 for both classes. Small Goals: 1) Warm up to the day. Wake up at 6AM, cook myself breakfast, try doing a small assignment in the morning, warm up the car while shoveling. 2) Cool down to bedtime. Try to do the journal before this time. Instead keep it to just brushing teeth, showering, and reading a book. 3) Listen to my personal audio meditations twice. Continue to listen to knitting meditation book in the car. 4) Keep on top of my eBay sales. Cancel my NYT subscription. At $4 a month that's $48 for the year. Redeem credit card bonus points for ??? money. 5) Keep up with emails. Might send a reminder in Feb if I don't have finalized dates by then. 6) Read one chapter in each book. 7) Finish chapter one in 7 habits. Thanks for reading! (I swear these things get longer with each post.) Shannon For those turning into this round the master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
Overall a middling week. I'm not surprised since my classes started, and the homework for them is throwing some of my other goals to the side. That's ok, that's why they're prioritized and why I had worked hard to get some ahead of schedule. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Attended my first two classes, it went quite well. Finished the homework for the first one. There are no books so those don't need to get ordered. Still need to put my assignments on my calendar/Wunderlist. 2) I checked in and we are all on a page! 3) Watched the Dogan videos. Did ask for a penpal. Did not record myself speaking Japanese. Watched half of the movie. It's the one that's recommended, and it's very well done, but it's not to my taste as it's full of embarrassment. I will finish it but I'll need to find another movie to watch a couple times for reference, because I won't be getting through this one twice. 4) Completed third lesson for PTSD class, but not for Seriously Creative. Small Goals: 1) Medium. Mon/Tue I got up early and did some work. Wed I hit the snooze quite a bit. 2) Less ideal, haven't been getting to bed on time. (Today included.) And when I do go to bed I've been skipping the plan which leads to less ideal sleep. 3) Finally got the outline home today. This isn't too big of a deal, so I'm moving it to the weekend when I'll have the time to do it properly. 4) Canceled my Audible. Cashed the check. Got back 45$ from Ibotta after the latest grocery run! 5) Followed up. One responded positively. One responded that they would keep my information on file. One has not responded. Sounds like I should try to contact another library or two, just to be sure. 6) Finished a chapter in my audio book, one on the Kobo, and one in the physical book. Did not finish a chapter for the one on my phone, I simply haven't had that kind of sitting around time. 7) Book chosen - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Do homework for both classes. Put all assignments onto my calendar and Wunderlist. 2) Put together meeting agenda and post in group. (A pleasantly small and doable task for a big goal!) 3) Watch three Dogan videos. Finish watching that Japanese movie. Find another Japanese movie to watch. 4) For SC do lesson three and four. For PTSD do lesson four. Small Goals: 1) Keep trying. Consider new format. 2) Keep trying. Consider new format. 3) Repeat from last check in. Record the meditation I outlined. Implement something new I've learned about recording. Put it onto my website and ask for feedback. 4) Reopen my old eBay account and look around. Look into etsy. Look into selling games and books back to Amazon. 5) Email one more library. 6) Finish one chapter each in the four books I'm reading right now. 7) Finish one chapter in this one too. Thanks for reading! Shannon For those turning into this round the master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) I checked for online updates, there are none, responded to one professors email, and tested the tech needed for class. 2) Overachieved! Critiqued 12k words and reviewed all 20 stories that were on my list. Getting this done ahead of goal one starting in earnest gives me more room and is already lowering my stress levels. 3) Watched all videos. Should watch that movie later today, but didn't have the time yet. (That's ok, focusing on goal 2 yesterday was much more important.) Recorded myself speaking once out of the goal of three. I'd like to focus more on this next week. 4) Completed the second lesson for both classes. Small Goals: 1) Thursday and Friday morning schedules went well. Getting up early to get stuff done. Not always in tune with my original plan, so I suspect that it'll need to get modified soon. 2) End of the day routine is going medium. There's much more likely to be phone time when there shouldn't be on Fri-Sun. There's also been a lot more reading going on this weekend though, instead of the end of the day being the only time to read. So, this might even out a bit more over the next two weeks as the routine rounds out until May. 3) Found an old audiobook called "Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much" and have been listening to that in the car for a bit. It's fun and is giving me ideas for my own meditations. I did write an outline for my next meditation, but I left it in the wrong spot. Thus the recording is postponed until the next checkin. 4) Packed a lunch every day this week. Woot! After some health related reading I did purchase a new vitamin to try on Amazon, to the total of $15. Health is important, so I consider it a worthy investment. 5) Nothing new. 6) Finished the book! It was enjoyable, but not quite good enough for a permanent slot on the bookcase. 7) The book "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" was so good that I finished the first 50 pages in one sitting. Then I finished the whole thing over the weekend. Absolutely fantastic, and honestly a shoe-in for writers because it teaches using a character focused story. This has earned a permanent spot on my bookcase and I suspect I'll be rereading it often. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Call into my first two classes. Check for any online information before next ROW 80 check-in. Put all assignments on my calendar/Wunderlist. 2) Check-in with team about our current workloads and how they'll affect our schedule. Establish next due date in schedule. 3) Watch three Dogan videos. Record myself speaking Japanese once. Ask for Japanese penpal. Finally watch that Japanese movie. 4) Complete third lesson for both classes. Small Goals: 1) Keep trying. Consider reformatting, and if so what the new proposal should be. 2) Keep trying. Consider reformatting, and if so what the new proposal should be. 3) Record the meditation I outlined. Implement something new I've learned about recording. Put it onto my website and ask for feedback. 4) Time to get more aggressive here. Cancel my subscription to Audible to save $165 this year. Cash an old check I found for $25. Get at least $2 back from Ibotta (usually from grocery shopping) then cash in my savings for a full $40 back. 5) Follow up before ROW 80 check-in on Wednesday. 6) Finish one chapter each in the four books I'm reading right now. 7) Choose the next self-improvement book to read. Thanks for reading! Shannon For those turning into this round the master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next checkin.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Starts on 1/14, so no news on this front. 2) Critiqued 11k words and responded to all emails. Will need to let one of those pieces mull around a bit and read it again in order to give the right kind of feedback. It was good, but there are particularly complicated pacing pieces that I think could be improved. 3) Watched three Japanese videos and recorded myself speaking Japanese for a chunk of time. It was less than ten, but more than five, and exactly when my brain was too full of the sounds. Ideally trying to speak for a minute or two every day, or only focusing on a couple words at a time, would help. 4) Completed lesson one of PTSD. Logged into, read, and responded to both the intro post and lesson one of Seriously Creative. Small Goals: 1) Monday was medium with me getting up at 6:20 and getting some morning routine. Tuesday was very bad, with me staying in bed til 6:40, and just managing to get out the door on time. Wednesday was great, I got up exactly at 6 and got some things off my 'to do' list while eating breakfast. I got to the journal later in the day, and since I was doing things that morning I'm giving myself a pass on that. 2) Monday was a freebie on this, because I knew that I wasn't going to get home until late. Tuesday was perfect, got in an hour of reading and everything. Tonight I should be ok, with me posting this by 9:35PM and heading for a shower. 3) Listening to at least one meditation a day in the car. 4) Impulse bought an indie book on Kindle for $2. Did manage to pack a lunch today despite not having much time after my active morning. Overall I consider this a success. It was a minimal purchase and the money is going to an author <3 5) Two responses, both responded to. Last one I'm still waiting on. 6) Finished "A Stir of Bones" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman. Very interesting and super emotional origin story to one of my favorite teen books. It was nice to read something by Nina again. I should really get more of her books on my list for this year! 7) Choose my next personal development book; "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team". INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Respond to one email from professor and check for online updates on Sunday before my ROW 80 post. 2) Critique 10k words, and review 10 stories. This is a lot, but I need to front load this goal before goal one starts up in earnest. 3) Watch five Dogan videos. Watch Japanese movie over the weekend. Record myself speaking in Japanese for a minute in three different sessions. 4) Complete second lesson for both classes. Small Goals: 1) Keep trying. 2) Keep trying. 3) Record one new meditation over the weekend. Try to implement something new I've learned about recording. 4) Continue to pack lunch and play/read what I have in the house. Bonus, continue to shuffle things out of the house. I've been trying to make very small progress in this every day. Taking one thing out of the car when I leave, etc. I'd like to continue the momentum! 5) Keep responding as needed. Was thinking of following up on Sunday, but I'm thinking Tuesdays are better days for such things and there isn't a rush. 6) Finish next book, already 230/350. 7) Read the first 50 pages Thanks for reading! Shannon. For those turning into this round the master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next checkin.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Starts on 1/11, so no news on this front. 2) Ended up critiquing 13,000 instead of the 20,000 goal. It's a lot easier to do on my computer at home, so I should schedule it more for then instead of lunch time. 3) Watched seven out of the goal of five videos on learning Japanese. Did not watch the recommended Japanese movie. (I usually only have time for one movie a week and this week it was "Crazy Rich Asians" with the SO for date night.) Also did not record myself speaking Japanese, I simply didn't make it as much of a priority. Watching the Japanese videos during lunch seems to be a solid idea, and it's easy for me to pay attention to the audio while eating. So I will continue to do that. 4) I checked in on both RWA classes. Posted an introduction on the first. The second I haven't seen an intro email with instructions yet. If I don't get that by Tuesday I'll contact them about it. Small Goals: 1) Did better this week. Setting up some of the morning journal the evening before helps, since my brain is slow to warm up after waking. A couple days I had enough time to clean the kitchen and empty the car, which is a huge win. I'd like more time for that in the morning, particularly now that there's ever more daylight. 2) Medium good. Lots more hot tub time. I properly filled out my journal four nights out of five nights. Didn't read as often as I should. 3) Complete. Made a new meditation and learned more about the software. 4) Packed lunch every day. I did spend my scheduled $15 at writers group, but nothing additional. Also found out that my Ibotta account is almost up to $40. Once it is I'll cash that in and add that to the savings for this quarter. 5) Complete. Actually sent out three emails. One has been responded to thus far. 6) Ahead of schedule. Almost done with book two. 7) Ahead of schedule. Finished "Think and Grow Rich" I wasn't impressed and ended up skimming a lot of it. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS - Monday's are my day off, so these goals are particularly small. Big Goals: 1) Check for syllabus again on 1/11 and buy books as needed. 2) Crit another 10k words. Respond to all emails. 3) Watch three Dogan videos. Record myself speaking Japanese for ten minutes and review. 4) Read lesson one of the PTSD class. Figure out how to log into class two. Small Goals: 1) Keep trying. 2) Keep trying. Make the book reading a priority. 3) Listen to the meditations I already have and write down ways to improve them. Stretch goal of starting to work on an outline for the next one to be recorded. 4) Continue to pack lunch and play/read what I have in the house. 5) Keep up on response emails. I'm particularly early, so I don't need to worry. If they don't respond by 1/13 I'll send follow-up emails. 6) Finish next book. I'm already 150/220 on one and 70/350 on the other. 7) No progress here for the upcoming checkin. Thanks for reading! Shannon For those tuning into this round the master goals list is here. From what I've seen everyone formats their posts a little differently, so I'm going to do what feels natural for me; an after action review and then setting intentions/minigoals for the next checkin.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) The semester doesn't start until the 14th so I took a little time to prepare. There is no syllabus up yet, so I couldn't order books. I did add the class dates into my calendar with reminders. 2) Did an initial round of 4 critiques to get into the groove. I'll need to go through them again to give them the attention they deserve, but overall a good way to get into the groove. 3) For learning Japanese I supported Dogen on Patrreon and started to watch his linguistics videos. There's about 50, so I'm intending to watch five per week for the rest of the round. 4) Successfully logged into one of my RWA classes and set up my profile. No email from the second one yet. Smaller Goals: 1) Still getting into a proper schedule after the holidays, so warming up for the day is hard. I haven't been ready to eat breakfast in the morning so I've been skipping it. (I'm not going to force myself to eat.) This morning was particularly good, with me getting up on time, getting my journal done early, and unloading the dishwasher and cleaning some of the car. 2) As with the warming up goal, it's tough to get back into the schedule after vacation. I've been very good about reading four at least ten minutes before bed. I've been pretty bad about putting my phone away at 9 o'clock though, and it has been negatively affecting my sleeping. 3) I made another meditation and it sounds pretty good! I did some research on making better ones as well which I'd like to implement soon. 4) I have no spent anything thus far this round for myself. I did just order some house supplies (a new brush for the pets and toothpaste) from Amazon. So far so good! 5) No progress yet. 6+7) Started to read "Think and Grow Rich". I'll probably keep to my self-improvement books while doing critiques because switching between reading for work and pleasure is hard. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Check for syllabus again on 1/11 and buy books as needed. 2) Review the 4 stories I started the crits on and add additional comments. Crit another 20k worth of work before my blog post on 1/6. 3) Watch five Dogen videos. Watch recommended Japanese movie once. Record myself speaking Japanese and listen for intonation, then record again. Recording time should total 15 minutes. 4) Check in on both classes before my blog post on 1/6. (To be checked on the 6th at some point, not earlier.) Smaller Goals: 1) Keep trying. Perhaps try to have additional breakfast options. 2) Keep trying. Consider autolocking my phone at 9PM, or something. 3) Make one more meditation. Implement at least one of the ideas I researched. 4) Continue to pack lunch and play/read what I have in the house. 5) Send email to two librarians before 5PM Friday (1/4) 6+7) Finish "Think and Grow Rich" by 1/8. (150/230pgs by next check in 1/6) Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Here's too a lovely new year. Shannon |
Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books