Welcome to round 3 of round of words 2020! This time staring these goals: The weekly goals are quite similar to before. The main difference is moving activism activities to twice a week, moving recipes to an end of the week check, and doing a bit more on the exercise front. I'm going to keep my normal walks like I have been and am adding in pushups/situps/squats corresponding to the number in the cell. By the end of the round I should be able to do 100 of each in a row. It's simple, works out what needs to get worked out, is strength training which I've been missing, and can be done from home without equipment. Overall should be a fun way to expand my goals.
Monthly goals are also similar. Main difference being changing out basement projects for specific sewing/beading projects. It's not even that different, it's just calling out the fact that I need to be doing something with those items which are in my basement, instead of getting distracted by other choices. The 'out of 13' section saw the most change with me moving activism to twice weekly and cancelling writing blog posts when I don't want to. Adding in Google Play App reviews seems natural. There have been a few times recently where I downloaded an app only to find out that I had used/played it two or three years ago. Obviously they weren't good enough to make an impression and I wish I had left myself a note! Steam reviews was a last minute addition. I'd like to have four options in this category, but it's still too early in COVID for me to add back in Google Map reviews. The Steam reviews are worth doing, but I doubt it'll be lasting more than this round. Lastly the monthly goals. This month is all about audio recording. I spent over four hours yesterday knee deep in learning about microphones, their setups, and how to record at the best possible quality. I then purchased a whole new setup! I'm looking forward to putting it together and hearing the results. (Which is good, since that's the rest of this months goals!) Unsure about the next two months goals yet, the rumor on the wind is house repairs/upgrades, but we'll see what this year brings.
For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. AFTER ACTION REVIEW:
So far so good! Actually in the middle of watching 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' right now and really enjoying it! (I stopped it to laugh and got sidetracked.) The outlining isn't completed yet, because I know that when I sit down to do it it's all getting done. Sometimes that makes an activity more intimidating because I know that I have to section off a large chunk of time to work on it. Luckily this has a deadline to it of tomorrow, so it's going to get done in the next 24 hours. I've been getting major progress on the weeding this week, after less so last week. I think I was overwhelmed with all of the vines that have been detangled from my trees and are now taking over a chunk of my yard. I've decided that I need to ignore them a while longer, and just got back to taking down the rest. Right now they're quite fresh so, after another week of detangling, I'll start cutting the vines into pieces to get them ready for some kind of disposal. (Fire or otherwise) The reading has also been going on the up and up! I finished one book and got a good chunk through another, plus looking forward to getting back to the third. In keeping with the reading goals one of those is horror. The other is for fun, and I have the intention of reading another self-improvement book that I eborrowed from the library. The new recipe was a super bonus accomplishment! I made mustard, which I was running out of after not going to the grocery store for two months now. (Keeping to my farm pickup options!) I used the recipe from one of the cookbooks that's been on my shelf but I've never used before, and I had all of the ingredients in the house!!! Win/win/win! MINIGOALS Finish that outline Read Do budget review this weekend; see if I can reward myself with a new blender and mixer ![]() I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I finished National Novel Writing Month in November, so you'll be seeing parts from that for the next couple of months as I expand and edit the rough draft. A while later she was on the other side of town, knocking on Lorenzo Baldocinetti's door. The sign above the door said "Inventor." Pages from the local printing press were plastered on the window for all to see and read. Only one new one since last week, and it just looked like an ad for hiring new experts to help on the latest invention.
"Looks like an alchemist, circus performer, young man to work hard, and a smart child." Sounded like a riddle. Must be something Lorenzo put together himself. The door opened and the hunched man smiled. "I was hoping you'd show up today." I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I've been trying my hand at free writing lately, and this is my favorite piece from this week. Battling against a mermaid is not as straight forward as one might think. The first and foremost issue is that they live in the water and it's easy for them to retreat back into the water whenever their heart fancies. Yet that is not the only problem, not at all. They often go on land and can be surrounded there. No the main problem is the fact that puts men to sleep. We don't know how, which makes it that much worse. It cannot be avoided. Therefore this terror of the sea, mermaids who hunt whales and are successful at it. Those who hunt our own ships so that they might take our tableware's as treasures, they must be fought by women. Check out more at http://www.wewriwa.com/.
I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I've been trying my hand at free writing lately, and this is my favorite piece from this week. The rough worn man looked glum as he wrote in his diary. She didn't know any other man who wrote in his diary in the early afternoon, nor did she know another who wrote in one in the middle of town, nor one that was a bootlegger. Yet, she supposed, that was the reason that he stood out, and the reason that she was paid to seduce him. Eileen know she looked a particular kind of small town beautiful as she walked over and accidentally blundered into Dakota. "Oh I am so sorry. Clumsy me, are you alright?" She put on a southern drawl, making sure that her word choices portrayed her as a bit naive. He looked off into the distance for a moment, before realizing the cause of his interruption was right in front of him. "Ah hello, no bother at all for a pretty little thing like yourself." Like a gentleman he took of his hat and bowed. Check out more at http://www.wewriwa.com/.
I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I've been trying my hand at free writing lately, and this is my favorite piece from this week. Last night it happened, but they do not realize the truth. The elephant demons of my homeland, known criminals, attacked. Yet the police here are ignorant. They believe that I, a person of the knife, defected. They are wrong. If they will not give this investigation serious thought, then I will have to be the one to avenge my friends and family of choice. If they get in my way they will rue the consequences, if they survive long enough to think anything at all. For I am of the last of the knife in this country, the best of the knife before that, and a knife on a mission is the most terrible thing. Check out more at http://www.wewriwa.com/.
I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I've been trying my hand at free writing lately, and this is my favorite piece from this week! "Lets get right to it then." I opened the lowest drawer and took out the cloth wrapped item, placing it on my desk. With tender fingers I removed the cloth, revealing a plate, slightly larger than one from a tea set. The piece was covered in diagrams and symbols on both sides. The woman took gloves out of her pocket and put them on, then picked up the plate, looking at it closely. Slowly taking in each symbol on top and bottom before speaking again. "The top speaks of ferocious acts taken by humans, defying the wishes of a higher being. However. The bottom speaks of forgiveness." Check out more at http://www.wewriwa.com/.
I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I have some lines from my Moon Murder rewrite. A little dialogue heavy, hopefully next week has some more action! "How did the trade deal go?" "As my report said, it went well." "You and I both know that you didn't actually make that trade." Alexander looked down as his feet. "16 took over." "I did use his notes. They were excellent," 16 said. "What did I say?" "That this was my assignment and that I shouldn't get help." Check out more at http://www.wewriwa.com/.
I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. Changing it up a little bit. This week I have a bit I wrote for a writing exercise a couple weeks ago. I'm not sure if it'll grow into a full story, we'll see! The cold air burned her face. She shouldn't have agreed to this freezing ordeal. Sophie stands up and jogs in place in front of the door of the great wall. Wishing for a fire is a waste of time, but there is nothing else to do. There is no way to stay positive in this wretched cold. Guidelines say that she has to stay out here for a week, just as the hero did in the chronicles. But she is no hero and she knows it. Why should she, a normal person, be expected to perform a hero's act? Stay in the winter cold without a fire or even anything to do. Waiting. Check out more at http://www.wewriwa.com/.
I present to you Eight Sentence Sunday, a blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. I have some lines from my Moon Murder rewrite. The first scene is available as an audio sample on my sample chapters page if you want to give it a listen! 16 used her left hand to shield her eyes from the light above. “What is that? Its like a real sun.” She put her arm into a patch of light shining through the large leaves onto the stone path. “It’s warm like the sun too.” “It’s just like the rainforests your dad helped preserve…” Zheng touched one of the ferns, leaning into the walking area. “It’s real.” She continued to hold it, staring, as if she could barely believe in its existence. Check out more at http://www.wewriwa.com/.
Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books