For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
Things are going pretty well! I got back from vacation and am feeling pretty refreshed and full of energy. We got a storm while snowboarding, which is the best thing, so we ended up with eight inches of fresh powder. It's perfect for snowboarding! I set some goals on Monday to get back into the swing of things, I was feeling a bit lost without them. Ended up doing pretty well on them, which is good because things are only going to be ramping up from here. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Classes attended and homework is all set. Even ahead of schedule. 2) Recorded the (many) edits that we've received and started to review them. Managed three, which is less than I was hoping, though realistically it was what I had the time for. I also emailed and got confirmation from the line editor. 3) Watched some videos and read the Japanese book. 4) Finished reading the lessons and going through the three challenges. Small Goals: 1) Morning habits went reasonably, particularly considering the fact that I just got back from vacation. I was able to get up with my alarm and have been doing work in the morning. 2) Before bed habits have also been going reasonably too, though also happening a bit later than the ideals. 3) Listened to my meditations twice. 4) Kept up with eBay. Signed up for and OVERACHIEVED by doing the first hour of the self driving course. It cost 25$, but I should be getting $140 back per year for the next three years. Certainly a worthy investment. Also, as a personal win, I forgot my lunch Tuesday and because I was determined to not to spend money I cleaned out my snack drawer and put together a reasonable lunch from it. Also some might remember my goal to stay within my budget for my vacation. I am happy to report that I ended up $60 under budget, so that's a solid cost savings! 5) Nothing, no surprise. 6) Finished the audiobook and finished a chapter of the physical book. 7) Finished the whole of habit 2 of 7 habits and have been thinking about it a lot. To be talked about more below. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Make a date for the museum trip. (Yes this is homework.) Write another 1,500 words on a short story. Respond to two discussion pieces. 2) Honestly it's a lofty goal, but I'd like to review all 12 stories that we've gotten edits for so far. 3) Watch the Japanese movie again. Read the book twice. Listen to two videos. 4) Read lesson 7 and do challenge. Small Goals: 1) I'm adding a part to my morning habits that I should have added a while ago, neck stretches for at least five minutes. Trying to keep with the previous habits, along with adding this new one. 2) Same as always, with particular focus on trying to get to bed on time, or even ahead of time! 3) I'm tying this to my goal from small goal 7. I'd like to record at least one new meditation based on the stuff I write up for that. Bonus goal of another meditation for traveling. 4) This is a stretch, but I'd like to post 50 new items for sale on eBay. Another big goal is finishing the defensive driving class. It should really be done this week, since my insurance payment is next month. It'll be a time sync, but it shouldn't be too strenuous. 5) Nothing. 6) No specific goal. I'm pretty ahead here and there are other bigger goals to work on. 7) I just finished the second habit from 7 Habits. One of the big parts of it is writing ones own mission statement, and then some affirmations related to it. I'd like to take an hour to sit down with this and write some stuff out, then make it into a meditation in small goal 3. What's your mission statement?
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How have your writing goals been going? ![]() I started 2016 with seven writing goals:
(Space left intentionally due to otherwise unsightly formatting issues.) Progress since last month:
Quantifying goals for the upcoming month:
![]() I started 2016 with seven writing goals:
Progress so far this year:
Quantifying goals for the month:
What are your writing goals for the month? |
Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books