Big Goals: 1) Kept up with line edits. Only a handful left now! Followup emails sent to those who haven't turned in their story. Been working on the final product, currently having issues getting the cover to save in the right format at the right size. 2) Major success! I hit 8k two of the days so far, and only by doing the last couple hundred steps by pacing my house, but I was determined! I also went to the farmers market and picked up my groceries. I didn't have time to make or modify my grocery list, but that was the point of making the grocery list/meal plan anyways right, to save time! It's nice to feel the results of ones labor. Did some exercise today as well, nothing crazy, but working towards the right direction. 3) It's less than 60 days until the trip! OMG! I'm not ready!!! I haven't been studying, because I'm not at the point of understanding that I was hoping I would be at by this time. I need to accept the current reality, make a new goal, and then aim for that goal. That's going to be a part of this upcoming weekend. Small Goals: 1) Finalized another month on Grandma's calendar. Got the final birthdays that I was looking for, and will add them to the calendar this upcoming checkin. 2) Did read another two chapters of the physical book. (They're short, but hard to read due to the font/size.) I successfully found my headset and have been catching up on a Podcast in the car this week. 3) Read some of diyMFA and a whole chapter about traveling Japan. (it was the food chapter.) 4) Major progress here! Completely cleared off anything that was unneeded from the landing area. A lot of it is going to get donated, though a good portion also went into the basement properly. I also cleaned off the shelving units and swept the landing proper. This will absolutely be able to be completed this upcoming checkin. (Also the SO was both surprised and impressed with this progress!) 5) Did the worksheet. Had some major realizations when I was at DnD this week, making me very excited for this story. Started an Aeon timeline for this story, but have to start thinking a lot more about the world and it's history before I start to fill it in. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Continue to keep up on edits. Finish my edits and send them in. Get the bookcover squared away. 2) 8k a day. More HP. Keep up with the meal plan. Exercise once. 3) Changing the focus here this checkin. I need to do some major research on which restaurants we're going to in Japan and make reservations for the ones that need it. This is going to take a lot of time. (Worth it!) I'm hoping that taking this time away from studying will help give me more energy to do the studying again afterwords. Plus it needs to get done anyways, and I'm looking forward to it! (A scientist who loves her research!) Small Goals: 1) Either watch an episode of GoT or finalize a page of Gradma's calendar every day this checkin. Stretch goal to finish the calendar completely. Reminder to self to add the two birthdays to the events section. 2) Read more of physical book. Listen to something in the car while driving to/from work. Help the SO get audiobooks on his phone. 3) Read more of diyMFA. (Stretch goal to finish it. It's within reach and I'm a week behind on this goal currently.) Read more of traveling Japn book. 4) Decide what goes on the basement landing shelves. Put up labels so that they keep to the things that they're supposed to. 5) Think up a couple events and work on character ideas.
For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Monday was successful, with me responding to all the emails that were in the inbox. Tuesday I ended up falling sleep early instead of going through the edits. I did not plan for enough recovery time after the vacation. Thus the edits got moved to Wednesday and Thursday. 2) Walked 6k on Monday, 10k on Tuesday, and 8k on Wednesday. Overall an average of 8k, which is the goal, so that's a win! Food wise; didn't quite keep to the meal plan for Mon/Tue but did continue to eat things that are in the house. This week ground beef is on sale, so I made a fourth meal plan revolving around that including a new recipe from online. That means that the meal plan wasn't updated, since this one is brand new. I did not put on the beer though, to save some calories. I also did do the calorie counts for these meals, and realized that the new recipe I found was actually the worst one yet. So that got cut preemptively and I'm going to find a new recipe in my books at home before putting in my grocery list for tomorrow. Weights: I put together two lists of exercises that should compliment each other well. I was going to start them today but my shoulder has been getting worse and worse since getting back from vacation. Not sure if it's all the driving or playing HP or what, but I certainly don't want to aggravate it more than needed. 3) Studied Japanese for at least a bit every single day. Did send the letter. Did not watch the anime, simply not enough time. Small Goals: 1) No progress here, but should have more time this weekend. 2) Did not read much of the book at all. I really overestimated what I could get done before the next checkin. 3) Successfully read more of diyMFA and the traveling Japan book. 4) Miniproject complete! Took ~30 books out of the TBR pile then added the over 50 I got while on vacation. Overall I'm more excited to read what I have know, since I know that it's all something that I've actively chosen to read and chosen when to read it. 5) Major success here! I went through my notes/ideas from vacation and highlighted a dozen to follow up on. I took the short story that's been simmering for a week and wrote an outline during lunch and then wrote the whole thing out by the end of the day! I'm going to let it sit for a while before editing and sending it out, but it's exciting to just sit down and write something to completion. I started to do some research on places to send my short stories, but my normal resource wasn't working so this wasn't nearly as efficient as usual. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Keep up with line edits. Contact line editor about last four stories. Stretch goal to start formatting the book, particularly for any of the stories that are already in, plus the poetry. 2) 8K a day. Pickup groceries and keep to meal plan. Check on calories and nutrition for all meals on next weeks meal plan, drop the worst meal, and find a new healthier meal from cookbooks. If my shoulder is feeling better then exercise, if not sleep more. 3) 15/min a day. Watch two anime without subtitles. Respond to 1 letter in Japanese. Small Goals: 1) Update two pages of the family calendar. Stretch goal of one additional page. 2) Major progress on reading physical book. See about getting audio book on my phone. 3) Read more of diyMFA. Read more of traveling Japan book. 4) Big goal here, in order to take advantage of the weather; take down some of the major ivy invasion and pack it into the last two yard bags. Stretch goal of buying additional yard bags. 5) I officially have an idea for NaNo. Right now it still needs to percolate. The goal will be to discuss it with writers group this weekend. Maybe do a character sketch or two, and real stretch goal of writing a one sentence overarching summary. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Done and done! This was a big goal as a number of authors had already gotten back with their edits, those all needed to get reviewed. While it took some time it was certainly worthwhile. I can't wait to see this book completed! 2) Did not get 8k a day. There was simply too much time in the car and to get this done. Not sure if there's an easy or good way to adjust my schedule for this when there's so much traveling going on. 3) Did do 15 minutes of Japanese twice out of the four days! It's getting on the up and up again. The letter was sent. The anime without subtitles wasn't watched due to the lack of time issue. Small Goals: 1) Formatted a single calendar page. 2) Read a chapter of the book. Continued to listen to my audio book and listened to the first three hours of the SOs audiobook in the car. It's quite interesting and I'm sure I'll be finishing it later. 3) Read a chapter of both the self-improvement book and traveling Japan book. 4) Flung 15 items and hit the stretch goal of weeding. Took down /a lot/ of vines this time around. Super excited about this progress. 5) All good. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS This is busy week number two. Keeping the forward momentum in all goals, but no major leaps expected. This looks a lot like the last one. Big Goals: 1) Send out next four emails from editor. Respond to emails as needed. 2) 8k a day for real. Weights or pilates once before checkin. Keep to the meal plan. 3) 15/min Japanese per day, studied in the morning. 1 letter. 1 anime without subtitles. Small Goals: 1) Format a single calendar page. 2) Read chapter of book. Continue to listen to audio book. 3) Read another chapter of self-improvement book. Read chapter of traveling Japan book. 4) Fling 15 items from the basement. Stretch goal to put together another bag of weeding together this weekend. 5) Nothing specific, filling the tanks mostly which is covered by small goals 2+3. Took a much needed weekend off from plans/to do lists. How does one know that things are going well if one doesn't stop to smell the roses occasionally, and ask themselves how they're really doing? Stopping and taking some time to catch-up with myself helped me appreciate a lot of how great things are right now with a bonus of washing away some stress. It was particularly good timing too, since the next two weeks are going to be particularly busy.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) After discussing the front cover some more it's going to need additional work. Did put together the draft of the email which will make this week's goal a bit smoother. 2) Did over 8K a day all week and a little less than that over the weekend, particularly with how hot and muggy it was. I'd say that it averaged 8K, and was an overall success. I put together both of the next two weeks meal plans, put them both on the website, and ordered the groceries for the current week. The meal plan is really making things easier as there is less stress about deciding what to make and a lot more of me just getting to it. There's been the added bonus of the SO being more likely to chip into making dinners if they know what it is and how to cook it. I did not get around to doing the weights workout over the weekend. That's ok, we're building up speed here and missing a stretch goal like that is ok. 3) Downloaded some new Japanese apps to help keep the studying interesting. It does help, though one keeps getting stuck in ads which is annoying. I didn't study over the weekend, but did get the week stuff done. I also sent out two letters, but did not watch the episode of anime. Overall a middling experience. Small Goals: 1) Choose the theme for the calendar, uploaded the photos, and placed the photos onto the pages fairly evenly. 2) Finished physical book. Started and finished a webcomic. It was great to live chat about it with my sister, but I have to say the ending was a bit disappointing. 3) Read some more of diyMFA. I don't quite know why I didn't read this before, other than I wasn't ready to absorb all of the good stuff that this book has to offer. 4) Tried to use the new chainsaw only to find out that it needs chain oil. I'll be putting that into my next online order and then we'll give things another go. There has been a lot of weeding over the week, and time off from such over the weekend. 5) Still thinking over writing ideas. Nothing is sticking yet, luckily I have time to continue to think and listen. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS It's a busy week that's leading into a busier weekend. Keeping everything on the low, while keeping forward momentum in all goals. Big Goals: 1) Send emails for all of the line edits that have been received. 2) 8k a day. Keep to meal plan. Do one 20 minute session of Pilates or weights. 3) Study Japanese vocab for 15/day. Write a letter in Japanese. Watch an episode of anime without subtitles. Small Goals: 1) Do a check of all family member photos on calendar pages to make sure that there are no doubles on one page. Also make sure that each person is present in at least two photos in the calendar. 2) Read a chapter of "A Spring Betrayal" by Tom Callaghan. 3) Read a chapter of diyMFA. 4) No time for weeding, so I'll fling 15 things from the house. If I'm really good I'll choose things that can/should be given to friends while out and about these upcoming weekends. 5) Continue to think and listen for story ideas/developments. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here.
A little late here due to a work related emergency which forced me to stay late yesterday. Everything was fixed and I do have the holiday off so I'm catching up on everything. What were the minigoals for the first checkin? Big Goals: 1) Send email to line editor. Discuss bookcover. 2) Return step counter and order another. 8k steps a day. Keep to the meal plan. Weights or pilates once. 3) 15 minutes of studying every day. Write 1 letter in Japanese. Watch 1 episode of an anime without subtitles. Small Goals: 1) Practice DnD battles. Post about who wants the calendar on FB. Grab pictures from summer gathering. 2) Continue to read physical and audio book. 3) Continue to read diyMFA. 4) 1 bag of weeding or a 5 thing fling from the basement per day, depending on the weather. Monday is off due to DnD related time constraints. 5) Discuss ideas at writers group and keep an ear out for personal thoughts on story ideas. AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Both things are done. Need to start working on the back cover. 2) Filled out the paperwork to return the step counter, will ship it out Friday. I've overachieved on the steps by doing at least 10k (or 5 miles) a day. The new HP game has been helping make this goal a lot more fun! Lastly I tried a pilates video from Youtube, and wasn't impressed. Still did it, helping myself get back into the groove of things. 3) Missed studying on Monday and Tuesday. Normally I study during lunch but I've been using that time to do a HP walk instead. Trying to get myself into the groove while at home hasn't been as easy, but I'll get through it. I need to know this stuff while I'm in Japan too, so I can't let location affect things. I did write the letter and watch the anime without subtitles, it was the new Fruba. Small Goals: 1) Practiced the DnD battles and successfully hosted the last of my four session campaign. Overall I think it went really well and Savage is much easier to host a game for than proper DnD. I'd be interested in trying again sometime! I also did the other two tasks of asking who wanted a calendar and getting the pictures from the summer gathering to put on said calendar. 2) Finished the audio book and made progress on the physical book. 3) ~50 pages into diyMFA. There's a lot of great stuff in there! 4) Success! The rain seems to be slowing down, so I got two bags of weeding done so far, and could have done some on Monday if there weren't as many time constraints. 5) Still listening to the ideas. Two older ideas have come up again, but I don't think that they're ready for the lime light yet. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Draft two emails for line edits; one for those who have edits right away and another for edits who will be coming later in the month but we'll want a fast turn around on. 2) 8k a day. Put together a meal plan for next week, put everything into the website, put in the order for groceries, and pick up groceries. Do one 20 minute session of pilates or weights. 3) Study Japanese vocab for 15/day. Write 2 letters. Watch 1 episode of anime without subtitles. Look over travel plans as needed, see about making restaurant reservations on Friday. Small Goals: 1) Choose theme for calendar, upload all photos, place photos onto calendar pages. (This takes a bit of time because I try to make sure that each person is only on each page once.) 2) Finish physical book. Decide on next audio book and start it. (Possibly one on CD for in the car?) 3) Read more of diyMFA. 4) 1 bag of weeding or 5 thing fling basement depending on weather. (Also order more yard waste bags) Big 4th of July project - unbox my new chainsaw on a stick and trim all the trees! 5) Continue thinking over writing ideas. Hello all! This is a bit late because I've been busy and I'm working on not overexerting myself just to finish a goal by my deadline when it's not going to negatively impact my plans. I'll make some mini goals for the break, and update once at the end of the week for the accountability.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Wonderfully and completely done! 2) This is the goal that needed an extension. I'm done writing out the edits on paper, now I need to put this into the computer before sending it out to beta readers. My intention is to have this done by the end of the month. 3) I haven't been doing nearly as much official Japanese studying as I intended. I have been watching and playing games in Japanese with English subtitles and been trying to listen to it as much as possible. Overall I did get two months of really good studying there where I was making excellent progress, but trying to increase the daily time dedication made me start to stumble. Perhaps the jump was too great? I'll consider it over the week break and come back renewed and ready for the last 100 days of studying! Small Goals: 1) This was basically made obsolete after some good improvements at work. Overall it's still good to keep an eye on, but the financials are doing alright. 2) Successfully scheduled two workshops and have had a library reach out for another option. Hosted one so far and it went quite well! 3) Successfully read 10 books. I think I got slowed down/stuck by reading a longer/slower story in the middle, so I'll focus on shorter books at the start of a round and finish with the longer ones. 4) Happily read four self-improvement books. Two were great, one was good, and one was pretty bad. Overall a fine distribution. One has to wade through stuff to find the best, particularly things that work for them. 5) The family visited over the weekend and had a great time! This goal felt like it was thwarted by the vast amounts of rain that we got this year, and how it always seemed to land on the weekend. So the inside of the house was really great, probably the best that it's been in a year. The yard was an overgrown mess. Still, the weather was great for the everyone to hang out outside all weekend and my family is wonderfully helpful. By the time everyone left most of the fire wood from three different mini piles was burned or stacked up in the one spot they're supposed to be in. The patio was weeded. Plus the gas for the grill refilled. The momentum was really great, so I tried to keep up by doing some mowing and additional weeding once everyone headed home too. BREAK TIME MINI GOALS: 1) Finish typing edits into computer and send novel to beta readers. 2) Do not study Japanese vocab specifically, because it's break time. (But if I'm playing a game with Japanese in it then I will listen as much as possible.) 3) Keep up the outside momentum. Ideally put together one bag of weeds or one mowing session per day that it's sunny. Get rid of five things from the house on days that are rainy. Reward myself with some Harry Potter Wizards Unite! See everyone on the flip side! For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Completely done! 2) Didn't actually do the edits yet, but planning to really focus on them while I'm at writers group later today. Allowed myself a more leisurely weekend to recharge, so more reading for fun instead of for my projects. 3) Still not back into the swing of studying Japanese here. I did start a new game which has Japanese audio, trying my hardest to pay attention to it while playing. Small Goals: 1) Sent out the eBay deals. So far one was accepted, and that's one more thing out of the house! 2) Took a bit of time today to go through my emails, respond to what needed to get responded to, and put all events on all calendars that they needed to be on. Slowly getting back to the place that I should be here. 3) Read one of the short books that I wanted to read. I have two more left to finish before the end of the round to complete this goal. 4) Did not do my DnD prep yet, but will also be doing this at writers group. I need to talk out some of the ideas with fellow idea people, ya know? 5) Did half of what I intended here. Cleared off the guest bed, changed the sheets, and took out all the trash/recycling. Decided to not wash the kitchen floor because it's raining again and my doggo is just going to get it dirty again. The bathrooms aren't too bad right now, so they'll get cleaned during the week. Bonus) Got around to the goals from last week on this; collecting photos and making sure there were enough of everyone. Then went to the website to put everything together and realized that the calendar doesn't need to get ordered until August. That'll be better for my finances and for my planning, plus that leaves the opportunity for new photos to add to said calendar! Overall a pleasant winning surprise! INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS I'll probably do my weekly checkin and the overall round checkin in Thursday, so mostly these goals are to finish things out. Big Goals: 1) Done, thank the goodness. 2) 61 pages of detail level edits, typed into the computer, and sent to beta readers. 3) Try to get 15 minutes of Japanese studying a day. Small Goals: 1) Ship out eBay items as needed. 2) Complete. 3) Finish reading two books out of the three I have started. 4) Official goal is done. Sub goal of DnD hosting to be worked on. 5) Prep the house for a family visit this upcoming weekend! For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) After 8 years this is 100% done, with the degree successfully arriving at home. 2) It took an extra push of effort, and the knowledge that I was writing this up and would be accountable, to get these 40pages done. But they did get done, and the edits were all reasonable! I found three plot related issues that need to get fixed, and the rest were all sentence structure or adding additional emotional depth. I'm really looking forward to having this out to beta readers on the 20th! 3) Ended up ignoring this for most of the week. Just a bit too busy and a bit too high on anxiety to get around to it. Taking a deep breath now, and refocusing this upcoming checkin. Small Goals: 1) Success! Sent out eBay sales. Withdrew from the old investment. Kept spending to a minimum. (Still splurged on 2$ pizza for lunch, because it was that kinda week. Still a reasonable price for not having to make or pack lunch.) 2) Responded to all emails and rescheduled appointment to August. Cleared the schedule a little, which is helpful with the extra life that is happening. 3) Read some more of the books I'm in the middle of. Opted for podcasts instead of audiobooks because that was what I was in the mood for. 4) I did not read some of 'Ask More' nor did I watch GoT. As before there was too much to do, and as smaller more fun goals they got placed to the wayside. I did some more of the prep I needed for DnD and will be doing a test battle after posting this! 5) Huge success! I finally got around to cleaning the house! I also did a test run of touching up the mortar on the house. The color match ended up being pink instead of red. Some of the mortar on the house is an odder color than that, so I did my practice patch there. On the other hand some of the mortar matches the red brick color very well, so I'll probably try another entire jar of mortar next time I do this. That all being said, I think I underestimated this project a bit. This is a much better goal to do a bit at a time so that I can learn and focus on getting it to look good, instead of all at once. I shall continue forward! INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Nada! 2) 20 pages of detail level edits. 3) 15 minutes of vocab studying a day, and 1 letter a day. Small Goals: 1) Send out eBay sales. Keep spending to a minimum. 2) Respond to emails as needed. Review notes for workshop. 3) Finish two shorter books I'm in the middle of. 4) Do more DnD prep. I doubt I'll have time for much of anything else. 5) Keep the house clean. It'll be raining for most of the week, so I'll keep this simple. Bonus) This is a goal for the week; make grandma's calendar on Shutterfly. This is often a lengthy process for me, taking an average of four hours. So I'd like to spread it out over the week. I also just got a coupon that ends on the 17th, and I do love me a deadline. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Wonderfully done~ 2) Got 20pages done of the 60 I was aiming for. A bit too much life in my plans. I'll adjust course this checkin and keep at it! 3) Did not really get back on the studying Japanese streak at all. I think I needed more recovery time after the weekend that I did not account for. Plus it's been a particularly social Small Goals: 1) Sent out all packages on Monday. Did spend money on a couple cheap lunches this week, cause sometimes that's just needed, and I was that out of spoons. 2) Did 6/9 emails on Monday. The other three haven't been gotten to yet. Normally I have three or less important ones, so this is above my normal. 3) Continued book. 4) Did not get around to reading the book Ask More. Did finish watching Good Omens, it was as amazing as the book with some brilliant acting. Did about half of the prep that I needed to for my DnD campaign, which was what I needed for Monday night at least. 5) Still didn't get to cleaning the house. I want my house to be cleaner and it's just not happening! Ugh! INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Done, thank goodness. I've been low on spoons so the extra time is a huge help right now. 2) Edit 40pages of scene level page edits, bringing me up to half. 3) Maybe just go back to 15 minutes on Thursday/Friday. Try for letters and 15 minutes on Sat/Sunday. Small Goals: 1) Send out eBay sales. Check in with old investment. Keep spending low. 2) Respond to all emails. Reschedule events and appointments as needed. Did not realize that so much was scheduled for this month, and it's even more unusual to not have it on my calendar. 3) Listen to more audiobook. 4) Read some of 'Ask More'. Watch up to 4 episodes of GoT. Finish prep for DnD. 5) Weekend project to touch up the mortar on the house. Put in the order for supplies already. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
I'm very happy and lucky that this is the writing challenge that knows I have a life, because life happened. Had a car accident over the weekend. No one was hurt, but my car will be in the shop for a while, with all of the chaos that such brings. I'll adjust my life and goals accordingly, so that I can continue to take steps forward towards the goals that need it most while still getting life done. AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Eight years of complete, and right before the most recent chaos! 2) Finished typing all of the edits into the computer. It took longer than I was expecting, but it did get done. A spellcheck was completed. Then I changed the font. Remembered to add page numbers, and printed it out again. Winning, with progress on the most important goal! 3) This was a bit of hit and miss with trying to get back into a groove after vacation. I'll continue to work on it, and try to keep at the top of my mind that there are only a few months left until the trip! Nothing like a deadline to make a goal more real! Small Goals: 1) Lowered the price on 20 items and sold a handful more before the end of the month. Kept the spending reasonable while having a good time out and about. To be talked about a bit more in the minigoals. 2) Many emails received that I need to respond to now that I have a moment at my computer. 3) Decided to not continue the audio book in the car. It's a solid 3 stars, but there are so many more 5 star books that I could have in my life. I choose to listen to those instead. I did not watch GoT, instead I watched a couple episodes of Good Omens, which is an absolute delight! 4) I reached out to the mentor and they emailed back! I'm not sure what will come of this new relationship yet, but this is honestly already more than I expected. 5) Actually didn't get to the housework, which was a little surprising since I kept the goal so low and it was all stuff that I wanted to get done to have a cleaner house. But there were real life distractions, plus big goal two took longer to do than I hoped, so that time had to come from somewhere. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) STILL DONE! Actually been feeling a little restless with the extra time I have since this is done. It's just such an odd feeling, having time! 2) Review 60/121 pages of the novel for scene content and any remaining major edits. 3) Start the studying streak anew. Study Japanese for 15 minutes per day and write one letter per day. Small Goals: 1) Send out packages Monday morning. I was going to say a lot more about this but really it's simple and I just have some weird baggage about money that I should address at some point soon. I got a raise at work and financially things are looking up and much more in the green than last year. Basically this goal isn't needed anymore and I shouldn't spend much more time on it. But, I do like getting stuff out of the house. And a lot of the eBay stuff took time to put up, but doesn't take time to leave up. So I'm going to coast this out for the rest of the round, keeping to small cash ins and the eBay stuff, while using the time for everything else. 2) Respond to all emails bright and early Monday morning, so they don't sit around turning into frogs. 3) Actually already started a new audiobook (Slaughterhouse-Five). Continue that this week. 4) Parallel with the talking to mentors goal of mine is the goal to be able to ask them good questions to get useful advice. To this effect I got the book Ask More and want to read at least sections of it while talking to mentors. Finish out Good Omens before going back to GoT. Also prep for the DnD campaign I'm hosting this month. 5) With all of the rain I have not been able to get this goal as far as I need to. I'm at the point where I need to figure out if we should hire someone to do all of the major yard work once, so that at least I'm caught up with everything, or if I should pick at most 6 things and make peace with the rest not getting done before the family visits. I'm not sure what the right option is yet. All I can dedicate myself to this checkin is the general cleaning of the house again. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page! |
Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books