For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Wonderfully done~ 2) Got 20pages done of the 60 I was aiming for. A bit too much life in my plans. I'll adjust course this checkin and keep at it! 3) Did not really get back on the studying Japanese streak at all. I think I needed more recovery time after the weekend that I did not account for. Plus it's been a particularly social Small Goals: 1) Sent out all packages on Monday. Did spend money on a couple cheap lunches this week, cause sometimes that's just needed, and I was that out of spoons. 2) Did 6/9 emails on Monday. The other three haven't been gotten to yet. Normally I have three or less important ones, so this is above my normal. 3) Continued book. 4) Did not get around to reading the book Ask More. Did finish watching Good Omens, it was as amazing as the book with some brilliant acting. Did about half of the prep that I needed to for my DnD campaign, which was what I needed for Monday night at least. 5) Still didn't get to cleaning the house. I want my house to be cleaner and it's just not happening! Ugh! INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Done, thank goodness. I've been low on spoons so the extra time is a huge help right now. 2) Edit 40pages of scene level page edits, bringing me up to half. 3) Maybe just go back to 15 minutes on Thursday/Friday. Try for letters and 15 minutes on Sat/Sunday. Small Goals: 1) Send out eBay sales. Check in with old investment. Keep spending low. 2) Respond to all emails. Reschedule events and appointments as needed. Did not realize that so much was scheduled for this month, and it's even more unusual to not have it on my calendar. 3) Listen to more audiobook. 4) Read some of 'Ask More'. Watch up to 4 episodes of GoT. Finish prep for DnD. 5) Weekend project to touch up the mortar on the house. Put in the order for supplies already.
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Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books