For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
It has been a busy week, so busy that I'm a day late checking in. Luckily it was a fun kind of busy, with lots of socializing and going to the theater. What's your favorite musical? AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Attended class. Turned in all homeworks. 2) Bankrupt. Didn't do anything here, and now I'm feeling very behind. 3) Read the book once and watched the videos twice. Did look up that site I was thinking of and have that bookmarked. 4) Finished lesson 8. Small Goals: 1) Been sleeping a bit late, but not too bad all things considered. Got up early to shovel and such as needed. 2) I was nice to myself about the fact that I wasn't going to go to bed early. 3) Listened to three meditations. 4) The box of stuff got posted, and my safe driving course was credited to my insurance account properly. 5) Nothing, as planned. 6) Been listening to a book in the car and am over half way through. (Due to that much car time.) 7) Finished reading Habit 3. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) World civ homework and another 1,500 words for creative writing. 2) Completely catch up on everything before the Sunday meeting. 3) Try to translate a couple lines of something. Either the news or a Japanese book I have around etc. Plus watch two videos and an anime or two. 4) Back up all lessons and responses. After that this goal is officially complete, and thus will be re-purposed to writing research. Small Goals: 1) Keep at it. Also get more sleep. Also take the full time for neck stretches. 2) Keep at it. 3) Record another meditation. Listen to current ones a couple times. 4) I feel like this goal has been getting a lot of focus lately, and it's paid off. (Pun intended.) Now that I'm a bit ahead it's time to kick this down a gear into something that's easier to maintain and allow me to focus on my big goals more. Simply post one item a day on eBay. I have a collection of things ready to go in the guest room right now, at least enough for the coming month. Also, since the month is finishing, finalize my finances for that month and check the official progress. 5) Nothing. 6) Nothing planned. 7) Nothing planned. -Shannon
For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
The second half of the week had more time, but with lofty goals not everything got done. I did a rotation on Saturday between the big goals and the smaller goals, so actually quite a bit got done around the house. The laundry is officially caught up and *everything* is put away. *All* of my fanart is on the walls now, with a couple pieces voted off of the island. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Made a date for the museum trip in three weeks. It'll be a lovely day trip. Still have to decide the restaurants though~ I didn't write anything on a short story and I don't think I'll get to it for a bit. I'm mostly ahead of schedule right now, so as long as I keep it in mine that's ok. I did read and respond to the two discussion pieces, they were really quite good! (It made me feel bad about submitting two pieces that were freshly written/really rough. But I wanted the feedback early, since they were experimental pieces.) 2) I had set a lofty goal of getting all 12 done. I managed a solid 8. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get to all of them, but I'm trying to convince myself that it's fine. Major progress was made, and the rest is quite manageable. (I mean it's a 66% right, which is barely passing, but passing.) 3) Did not watch the movie again, got far too caught up in finishing the self defensive driving course. Did read the book twice and listen to two movies though. As the countdown gets closer the need to focus on this more grows, so I'll continue to increase the goal, even if I'm not reaching it 100% of the time. 4) I did finish lesson 7 with the challenge. Nothing too crazy, though some interesting ideas rolling around for another novel now. Small Goals: 1) Success! I've been waking up with my first alarm and getting stuff done in the morning. The neck stretches have been helping with the tension I often keep in my upper back. Overall a big win! 2) The evening routine has been going ok. Not reading as much as I should before bed, and not always taking the time to relax that I should. That being said I've been sleeping like a rock and having plenty of dreams, so I don't think it's a problem either. 3) I listened to some meditations, but didn't manage to record anything new. 4) I set my sights high and I accomplished a bit, but not all. The defensive driving class is complete, though it ended up taking 8 hours, not 6. Still, I spent 25$ to take it, and it'll be saving me 140$ each year for the next three years. So financially worth it, though I don't feel that I learned much from it. If anything it made me feel like I'm a better driver than I realized, and I'm not sure that's really a great mindset for defensive driving. The second half of this goal was to post more on eBay. I didn't end up posting all 50 items, but I did post 9, and 2 of them already sold. Apparently I'm getting better at pricing. These two sales also put my total above $100 from eBay! I should do something to reward myself, but I'm not sure what yet. Maybe more forgiveness for not getting to my other goals :P 5) Nothing, as planned. 6) Took some time to read a manaa, and while it's not a novel it's still listed on Goodreads, so it counts towards my yearly reading total. (Plus now I know that it was only ok and I can send it onto a friend I know will like it.) 7) I did get a rough draft done of my mission statements. I'm going to mull them over for a couple more weeks while I define and expand and detail them a bit more. But I won't let that stop me from reading further in the book. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS It's going to be a super busy week, so these goals are about treading water, so that I'm not overwhelmed next week. Big Goals: 1) Attend classes. Turn in homework in world civ. Turn in two small homeworks for creative writing. 2) Do the four remaining pieces and send them back by Wednesday. Anything else that comes in during that time can wait until after the Wednesday checkin. 3) Read the book three times. Watch two videos. Look up and bookmark the easy Japanese news site. Someone recently mentioned that translating the articles on there was a great way to improve basic Japanese, so I'm thinking about trying that out when I have time. 4) Read and do the challenge for lesson 8. Small Goals: 1) Keep at it, but if I need to sleep in because I got to bed late that's ok. 2) Honestly I'm not going to be getting to bed early. I'll try to get to bed as early as I can, and be nice to myself as much as possible. 3) Listen to meditations 3 times. 4) I have one particular box of stuff that I'd like to get posted on eBay this month. If I can get more that would be awesome, but with the time I don't have right now I think that this is more realistic. Before checkin on Wednesday make sure that the safe driving course got credited to my insurance account, or otherwise followup. 5) Nothing. 6) Nothing planned. 7) Start to read habit 3. How has your February been? -Shannon For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
Things are going pretty well! I got back from vacation and am feeling pretty refreshed and full of energy. We got a storm while snowboarding, which is the best thing, so we ended up with eight inches of fresh powder. It's perfect for snowboarding! I set some goals on Monday to get back into the swing of things, I was feeling a bit lost without them. Ended up doing pretty well on them, which is good because things are only going to be ramping up from here. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Classes attended and homework is all set. Even ahead of schedule. 2) Recorded the (many) edits that we've received and started to review them. Managed three, which is less than I was hoping, though realistically it was what I had the time for. I also emailed and got confirmation from the line editor. 3) Watched some videos and read the Japanese book. 4) Finished reading the lessons and going through the three challenges. Small Goals: 1) Morning habits went reasonably, particularly considering the fact that I just got back from vacation. I was able to get up with my alarm and have been doing work in the morning. 2) Before bed habits have also been going reasonably too, though also happening a bit later than the ideals. 3) Listened to my meditations twice. 4) Kept up with eBay. Signed up for and OVERACHIEVED by doing the first hour of the self driving course. It cost 25$, but I should be getting $140 back per year for the next three years. Certainly a worthy investment. Also, as a personal win, I forgot my lunch Tuesday and because I was determined to not to spend money I cleaned out my snack drawer and put together a reasonable lunch from it. Also some might remember my goal to stay within my budget for my vacation. I am happy to report that I ended up $60 under budget, so that's a solid cost savings! 5) Nothing, no surprise. 6) Finished the audiobook and finished a chapter of the physical book. 7) Finished the whole of habit 2 of 7 habits and have been thinking about it a lot. To be talked about more below. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Make a date for the museum trip. (Yes this is homework.) Write another 1,500 words on a short story. Respond to two discussion pieces. 2) Honestly it's a lofty goal, but I'd like to review all 12 stories that we've gotten edits for so far. 3) Watch the Japanese movie again. Read the book twice. Listen to two videos. 4) Read lesson 7 and do challenge. Small Goals: 1) I'm adding a part to my morning habits that I should have added a while ago, neck stretches for at least five minutes. Trying to keep with the previous habits, along with adding this new one. 2) Same as always, with particular focus on trying to get to bed on time, or even ahead of time! 3) I'm tying this to my goal from small goal 7. I'd like to record at least one new meditation based on the stuff I write up for that. Bonus goal of another meditation for traveling. 4) This is a stretch, but I'd like to post 50 new items for sale on eBay. Another big goal is finishing the defensive driving class. It should really be done this week, since my insurance payment is next month. It'll be a time sync, but it shouldn't be too strenuous. 5) Nothing. 6) No specific goal. I'm pretty ahead here and there are other bigger goals to work on. 7) I just finished the second habit from 7 Habits. One of the big parts of it is writing ones own mission statement, and then some affirmations related to it. I'd like to take an hour to sit down with this and write some stuff out, then make it into a meditation in small goal 3. What's your mission statement? For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
I just got back from vacation and was feeling a bit lost, but plenty to do, without my intentions and minigoals! Here they are for now until Wednesday! I'll give more of a vacation review then, feeling a bit time bankrupt right now. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Big Goals: 1) Attend classes. Do homework. Almost completely caught up already. 2) Record edits that have been received. Review as many as possible. I believe we're at 12, which is excellent. Also email the line editor. 3) I'm ready for more videos again, so watch two more of those during lunches. 4) Catch up on classes from break and this most recent class. Three challenges total. Small Goals 1) Morning habits, keep up with it. 2) Before bed habits, keep up with it. 3) Listen to my meditations twice. 4) Keep up with eBay. Look into defensive driving class to lower car insurance cost. 5) Nothing. 6) Finish audioook, only about an hour left now. 7) Read the next section of 7 habits. Have fun everyone! Shannon For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
I finished out a couple big chunks right in time for the midway point on this 80 journey~ It wasn't intended for that time slot, it was due to me going on vacation this upcoming week and wanting to make sure everything was done so that I could freely relax, but it's a nice quiescence. Onto the goals! AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Responded to a couple emails from the professors, but otherwise nothing done because I'm all caught up! 2) Completed the next major step here! All emails for the upcoming anthology have been sent and all critiques are up to date! This was the big goal, because I know getting it done early would make life easier for everyone in the long run. 3) Big successes here too! Finished watching the movie. I think I can watch it a couple more times, and it's easy to watch in sections, during lunch or what have you. The idea is that I'll be able to think back to the dialogue of the movie whenever I need a reference on how to pronounce something. I also watched Sweetness and Lightening. It was adorable as always and I did understand more of it than before, but not as much as I would like to. 4) Doing lesson 3 took longer to get around to than I would have liked. Starting to write a piece with comedy in mind is out of my comfort zone. But earlier today I sat my butt down and did it, and I think it turned out pretty well! That was a pleasant surprise. My previous posts have been saved and responded to as needed. Overall solid. Small Goals: 1) The morning schedule went very well for the end of the week. I got a new pillow which I think is helping me sleep, although it's also really stirring up some long and weird dreams. 2) I did get more sleep! In fact I put myself to bed early one night almost by accident. I haven't been reading before bed and I would like to get back to that. I suspect it's because the bedside book right now is a bit tough to read. I might need to drop it, we'll see. I'd like to give it another chapter or two. 3) Listened to my audio meditations twice. I feel ready to make a new one, but don't have the time right now. Perhaps I'll write down a draft, we'll see. 4) Overachieved! I canceled three auto subscriptions to save $270! I also remembered an old investment account I had put money into years ago. I looked over the return rate, and it's less than the interest rate on my student loans. Thus I'm liquidating it, although it can't be done quickly due to the nature of things. I got $30 out of it this month and I should get similar chunks from it over the next couple months. It's feels like finding money in your pocket~ Lastly I took advantage of a free listings sale that eBay had up to post an extra 20 items or so. I'm saving my normal 50 free listings for after my vacation. It's nice to find things around the house that we've been meaning to get rid of and finding out it's worth something on eBay. Plus the item gets a second life helping someone else. That's a win/win/win in my book. 5) Nothing, as planned. 6) Finished one of my audio books and made major progress in the other. Haven't sat down to read much lately though. 7) Did read this a couple times during lunch. We're at an interesting section about figuring out values that I definitely want to dive deep into! INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS Relax, enjoy the vacation, enjoy life, connect with family and friends. The only rule is don't go over budget. See you all in a couple checkins! Shannon For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
As expected it was a very busy start of the week. Luckily it's looking like the rest of the week will involve time for relaxing and getting stuff done. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Finished two journal entries, sent email, and finished/edited/handed in another piece of flash fiction. It was tough, honestly I did almost all of that two hours ago. But it is done before checkin! 2) I ended up sending 15 emails today, instead of spreading them out like I intended. 3) Watched the movie at two different times, not the full three, and read two lessons in the book. Overall I'll count this as a solid achievement. 4) The comedy in mysteries class is twice as active as either of my other classes were. I love the banter but it's hard for me to keep up with it all. I'm mostly focusing on the class and challenges themselves, and I'll dive deep into reading everyone's responses in two weeks. Small Goals: 1) The morning schedule went really badly. I've been really tired due to staying out late, so I've been hitting the snooze multiple times every day. I also haven't been hungry in the morning so I've been skipping breakfast which as supposed to be my focus. 2) I knew that the evening schedule wasn't going to get done, and I predicted correctly. Life happens. 3) Listened to my meditations twice. 4) I kept up with eBay and did not spend anything. A solid win. 5) No news, and that's fine. 6) Finished one audiobook, and actually didn't pick up the other at all. Seven might be the max number of books my brain can track at the same time. 7) Read another chunk of 7 habits. Haven't implemented too much yet, but I am finding the concepts interesting and have been mulling them over. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS I'm getting ready for vacation, so I'm trying to finish out project portions without starting new ones. Big Goals: 1) I don't think there's anything else I need to do here. Keep up with emails/uploads/readings. 2) Everything. Finish sending emails. Do any needed critiques. This will be a lot of work to get done before leaving. 3) Big goals here too. Finish watching movie. Read one lesson in the book. Watch Sweetness and Lightening without subtitles. (It's an adorable anime about a child and her dad learning to cook. The child uses simple Japanese and speaks slower, so it's much easier for me to understand and learn with.) 4) Maintenance mostly. Respond to my previous posts. Save posts and responses. Read and do challenge for lesson 3. Small Goals: 1) Keep trying! When the morning schedule works it's awesome! 2) Get yourself some sleep! Maybe I should put this as a post-it somewhere. 3) Listen to audio meditations twice. 4) Keep up with eBay, set up eBay for vacation, cancel two more auto subscriptions to save $200, and don't spend money. 5) Respond as needed. 6) Nothing planned. I'm already ahead of schedule and need to focus to get the other stuff done. (That being said I'm sure some progress will get made here anyways.) 7) Nothing planned. Thanks for reading. Shannon For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
Overall a lovely weekend. I took Saturday off as a completely unscheduled day at home. It was good to relax and game and read. I came back feeling refreshed and ready to get more done. I've been thinking about planning more of these to help keep motivations high, probably one a month. Even with that happening I ended up getting a lot done today, so this is a pretty long check-in. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Finished as much as I could for this. The websites were down for all of today due to flooding. Luckily I had saved the paper requirements for World Civ and the notes with links to the videos. I write an outline for the next piece of flash fiction, I plan to write it up tonight when I'm at writers group. 2) Success with a bonus! Sent 5 emails every day and finished 6 critiques over the weekend! My reward to myself was allowing myself to finish the season of Taskmaster I started on my unscheduled Saturday. It makes me feel good about getting the critiques done and gets rid of the distraction of an unfinished season. (Plus, of course, I enjoyed it and laughed a ton!) 3) Asked a friend for help in finding a penpal. Watched 15 minutes of the movie. I think it's going to be a much better fit than the previous one, it's about renting cats and is overall adorable and easy for me to follow even though I'm still very young in Japanese. Watched the new episode of Dogen. Read one pretty long lesson in the Japanese book. Overall reasonable, though I'd like to spend more dedicated time on it when I can. 4) Finished the classes and backed up all of the lessons plus my work. I did end up signing up for another class for this month about Comedy in Mysteries. I'm not sure if I'll do all of the lessons as they come up, or if I'll simply read the lessons and save them for later. I'll decide after seeing another lesson or two and judge how my schedule is looking. Small Goals: 1) The morning schedule went well for the rest of the week. I ended up getting up at 6AM on Thursday and cleaning up the kitchen a bit. On Friday I got up at 6AM and did some schoolwork until I went to my appointment and then to work proper. Those were really productive hours, though I still don't love getting up at 6AM, for some reason my body really prefers 7AM (if I'm on a day schedule at all) and maybe one day I'll have a schedule that will accommodate that. 2) The before sleep schedule hasn't been ideal, with me working fairly late to get everything done that I wanted to get done. It hasn't been affecting my sleeping as much as it sometimes does, so that's good. 3) Recorded the new four minute mini meditation. These are perfect for walking from my desk to the just about anywhere else at work, so I think I'll keep listening to them then and using my car time for chunks of audiobooks. 4) This goal is so large/long that I almost want to split it into two or three, but I'm taking all of these actions for one overarching reason, to put another $1,500 towards my student loans, so I'll keep them as one. Ebay is going surprisingly well. I expected that anything that didn't sell in the first week would stay around for a long time. Instead I'm selling two-three items every week so far. The total profit is $30, but ebay and paypal both take a 3$ cut, leaving me with 24$. Still it's a fine start and almost covered the new RWA class from Big Goal 4. And, as I've stated before, that's a handful of things out of my house. Etsy is slow to start. I made my account up to the point of posting my first item, which I wasn't prepared for. (I didn't have the weight ready or pictures taken etc.) Those things are certainly obtainable, but I don't want to distract from my other goals right now. I'll pick this up in two or three weeks. I do have a better understanding of how their system works and feel more prepared for taking the plunge when I have the time to dedicate. Financial Review. Well. Let's start with the good news. With everything that I've canceled and the money earned I ended up saving myself 494.99$ which is almost exactly 1/3rd of my goal for this 80 days and right on time. The less good news is that with my current estimates the books still don't add up to my ultimate goal of paying off my student loans by October. Thus I'm going to have to make some hard decisions dealing with more cancelations. 5) No news, and that's fine. 6) Read a chapter of the physical book, started and listened to two fifths of an audiobook, started and listened to a tenth of another audiobook, but did not end up getting to my eBook. Perhaps I will tonight at writers group, depending on how the flash fiction goes. 7) I did read the next two sections of 7 Habits. The views are excellent and make a lot of sense. I can see why this is so highly recommended. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS It's going to be a busy couple of days so the goals are light. Big Goals: 1) Write two journal entries for World Civ. Send email to prof. Edit and hand in flash fiction for Creative Writing. 2) This is tough because I want to do a lot here and I know I don't have the time to do a lot right now. I'll continue to send 5 emails a day and critique one more story. 3) Watch 15 minutes of the movie a day. Read one lesson in the book. 4) For now read and keep up with new Comedy class. Small Goals: 1) Keep at it. The focus this time is making good breakfasts, particularly since there's lots of fresh food in the house. 2) Honestly my evening schedule is booked from now until Wednesday so I doubt I'll be getting to bed on time let alone have enough time to do a proper cooldown. Now that I've acknowledged it hopefully I'll work with it more and be less stressed about not achieving it. 3) Listen to audio meditations three times. 4) Simply keep up with eBay and don't spend money. 5) Respond as needed. 6) Continue to listen to audiobooks, particularly since there will be a lot of car time. 7) Read another section of 7 Habits. Thanks for reading. This check-in is longer than most flash fiction, which is kinda crazy! Shannon |
Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books