For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
The second half of the week had more time, but with lofty goals not everything got done. I did a rotation on Saturday between the big goals and the smaller goals, so actually quite a bit got done around the house. The laundry is officially caught up and *everything* is put away. *All* of my fanart is on the walls now, with a couple pieces voted off of the island. AFTER ACTION REVIEW Big Goals: 1) Made a date for the museum trip in three weeks. It'll be a lovely day trip. Still have to decide the restaurants though~ I didn't write anything on a short story and I don't think I'll get to it for a bit. I'm mostly ahead of schedule right now, so as long as I keep it in mine that's ok. I did read and respond to the two discussion pieces, they were really quite good! (It made me feel bad about submitting two pieces that were freshly written/really rough. But I wanted the feedback early, since they were experimental pieces.) 2) I had set a lofty goal of getting all 12 done. I managed a solid 8. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get to all of them, but I'm trying to convince myself that it's fine. Major progress was made, and the rest is quite manageable. (I mean it's a 66% right, which is barely passing, but passing.) 3) Did not watch the movie again, got far too caught up in finishing the self defensive driving course. Did read the book twice and listen to two movies though. As the countdown gets closer the need to focus on this more grows, so I'll continue to increase the goal, even if I'm not reaching it 100% of the time. 4) I did finish lesson 7 with the challenge. Nothing too crazy, though some interesting ideas rolling around for another novel now. Small Goals: 1) Success! I've been waking up with my first alarm and getting stuff done in the morning. The neck stretches have been helping with the tension I often keep in my upper back. Overall a big win! 2) The evening routine has been going ok. Not reading as much as I should before bed, and not always taking the time to relax that I should. That being said I've been sleeping like a rock and having plenty of dreams, so I don't think it's a problem either. 3) I listened to some meditations, but didn't manage to record anything new. 4) I set my sights high and I accomplished a bit, but not all. The defensive driving class is complete, though it ended up taking 8 hours, not 6. Still, I spent 25$ to take it, and it'll be saving me 140$ each year for the next three years. So financially worth it, though I don't feel that I learned much from it. If anything it made me feel like I'm a better driver than I realized, and I'm not sure that's really a great mindset for defensive driving. The second half of this goal was to post more on eBay. I didn't end up posting all 50 items, but I did post 9, and 2 of them already sold. Apparently I'm getting better at pricing. These two sales also put my total above $100 from eBay! I should do something to reward myself, but I'm not sure what yet. Maybe more forgiveness for not getting to my other goals :P 5) Nothing, as planned. 6) Took some time to read a manaa, and while it's not a novel it's still listed on Goodreads, so it counts towards my yearly reading total. (Plus now I know that it was only ok and I can send it onto a friend I know will like it.) 7) I did get a rough draft done of my mission statements. I'm going to mull them over for a couple more weeks while I define and expand and detail them a bit more. But I won't let that stop me from reading further in the book. INTENTIONS AND MINIGOALS It's going to be a super busy week, so these goals are about treading water, so that I'm not overwhelmed next week. Big Goals: 1) Attend classes. Turn in homework in world civ. Turn in two small homeworks for creative writing. 2) Do the four remaining pieces and send them back by Wednesday. Anything else that comes in during that time can wait until after the Wednesday checkin. 3) Read the book three times. Watch two videos. Look up and bookmark the easy Japanese news site. Someone recently mentioned that translating the articles on there was a great way to improve basic Japanese, so I'm thinking about trying that out when I have time. 4) Read and do the challenge for lesson 8. Small Goals: 1) Keep at it, but if I need to sleep in because I got to bed late that's ok. 2) Honestly I'm not going to be getting to bed early. I'll try to get to bed as early as I can, and be nice to myself as much as possible. 3) Listen to meditations 3 times. 4) I have one particular box of stuff that I'd like to get posted on eBay this month. If I can get more that would be awesome, but with the time I don't have right now I think that this is more realistic. Before checkin on Wednesday make sure that the safe driving course got credited to my insurance account, or otherwise followup. 5) Nothing. 6) Nothing planned. 7) Start to read habit 3. How has your February been? -Shannon
2/25/2019 06:32:29 pm
Getting 8 out of 12 pieces done sounds like what I'd call "failing to success" - a good thing, even if it's not all you'd hoped! Saving $420 for those 8 hours in class is a pretty good pay rate per hour, so another win. And boy do I wish I could get that sleep like a rock! Sounds like you've been rocking it - keep up the good work, and have a great week!
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