For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
Overall a solid start to the week, with all goals achieved! AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Complete! I did post the pictures on FB and have gotten a lot of pleasant responses about it. 2) Success on the main goal, and no surprise that the stretch goal didn't happen. I worked within the time that I had, so absolutely no worries! 3) I responded to all the letters which had built up over vacation and did some vocab studying. It'll take a bit to get this back into the right groove. Small Goals: 1) The last ten items are posted! For now that's it from the house for eBay. There might be some other things that can be gotten rid of, but if they aren't as specialized they'll likely make more money on the FB marketplace anyways. 2) Responded to all important emails. There were quite a few after vacation! 3) I started to listen to a new book in the car called Lipstick Jungle. I'm not loving it, and the person reading it is pretty bad all things considered. Still I'll give it until the end of the first disc before I decide to drop it or not. On a more fun media note I also finished watching the third season of GoT! There were a lot of momentous moments, and I'm enjoying finding out all of the backstory behind said moments! 4) I did do the research on people who might be good mentors. (I probably don't sound enthused, it's simply one of those tasks that eats my energy, which is why I haven't done anything like this before now.) 5) Success! Used the one sunny day we've had to paint the front stairs and fill the trash can for this week. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Wonderfully, completely, utterly, after 8 years, done. 2) Finish typing the rest of the novel edits into the computer. 3) Keep up with letters, though trying to space them out properly again. Plus 15 minutes of vocab per day. Small Goals: 1) Lower the price on 20 items that don't have a lot of views/watchers on eBay. Try to keep spending to a minimum, even though I'll be out and about a lot this weekend. 2) Respond to emails as needed. 3) Make decision about audio book in car on or before Friday. Watch four episodes of GoT season 3. 4) Reach out to one potential mentor. I kinda feel like I should do more, but this is the kind of goal that really eats at my energy and that I agonize over too much. Since I know it's frog item I'm going to treat it accordingly. I'm taking the smallest actionable step. And if I do this Thursday morning I get the rest of the week to relax and not worry about it, which is the plan. 5) Between me not being home for a large portion of the weekend (lots of hanging out with friends and writing) plus the fact that it'll be raining almost the entire time I've decided to make this goal simple. Take less than an hour to bring the house to the level of clean I like to keep it at. This means load/unload dishwasher, unpack the last of my luggage, put away laundry, clear off the counters, put up the poster that fell. Stretch goal to cook some good meals that can be easily microwaved before the busy weekend.
For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
Just got back from vacation. Taking a slow day to reorient before kicking off on the next lap of the pool called goals. AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Still done! While I was traveling I picked up my official awards, it's nice to see something physically for all of this work! 2) Super success here! I finished all of the edits for the architecture of the book!!! This is super exciting and it was so much more relaxing knowing that this stage of this was complete before vacation! 3) I did not do the more official studying that I had hoped. But there was a lot of unintentional studying anyways. One of the panels I went too was hosted in Japanese with a translator. Combine that with plenty of the other panels I went to and I'm more motivated than ever to do this properly!!! Small Goals: 1) No major sales lately. Did *finally* turn in those coins for $60. I also kept to my budget while on vacation, which is a lovely win! 2) Responded to some emails, two big ones that need to get responded to today now that I'm home. 3) Started and dropped two ebooks. Also finished catching up on The Magnus Archives! Read some of the physical book while on vacation, 4) Success! Finished reading success principles! 5) Turned in the light bulbs to Home Depot. ALSO found a place to drop off the ancient computer AND dropped it off while driving for vacation. That's a big win!!! I started the trip with my car full of stuff, and ended it with a couple awards, a stand, and a trunk full of groceries. Talk about a huge and wonderful improvement for the house! (And in correlation my mental well being!) INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Just getting back from vacation it's time to coast through the rest of the month. Then I'll kick it up into the next gear in June. Big Goals: 1) Absolutely done! (Though I do want to post pictures of those awards on my FB today!) 2) I'm going to take today (Monday) to go through and add the obvious dialogue tags and descriptions that I often lack on a first draft. Then I'd like to get the last 20 pages typed into the computer. Stretch goal to get everything typed into the computer and then the next draft printed in a different font. But that would be a bit crazy. 3) 15 minutes of vocab and 1 letter every day. Small Goals: 1) Post the last ten items I found in my house on eBay. The only other big thing is to focus on not spending money. 2) Respond to email from library. 3) Now that I'm done catching up on Magnus Archives I'll be going back to listening to books in the car until I'm caught up on this goal. Just a touch behind now. (Behind the quarters goal, still ahead of my yearly goal.) Also want to watch a couple episodes of GoT. Possibly finish out season 3? 4) With me finishing Success Principles over vacation this goal is officially complete! Still, I'd like to take some actions on the success principles I read, namely to work on my support network. The goal is to research some people who I might like to become a mentor. I think that I'll need three different ones, for different aspects of my life. 5) The weather is really nice today, so I'll be painting the front stairs at least. Plus some cleaning of the house and throwing out some old stuff. Stretch goal to start cleaning windows or other gardening. Cheers! Shannon AFTER ACTION REVIEW:
Big Goals: 1) Absolutely positively nothing since this is DONE! 2) Massive win! I overachieved by getting to over 20 of the 25 major edits. (The goal was 12.) The last edits are all new scenes, so they will take longer to do. But with the momentum of this week behind me I hope they'll get done that much faster! 3) I did study vocab every day but have been running a couple days behind on the letters. They take a long time to do, and I've been busy at work which means lunches were less available to get said letters done. Small Goals: 1) Did put the change into the car. Did also find a couple more items to sell in the last three places I looked, though probably won't post them until next month. Every week more and more is leaving my house, and I'm enjoying the items that are still here that much more! 2) Emails received and responded to. Email to the editor sent. 3) Read a couple more chapters of the physical book. 4) No progress, as planned. 5) Flung 20 items from the basement. Rescheduled the light bulb return to this week, since I know I'll be driving by there on Wednesday. Fewer trips is better for the environment! INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS I'm going on vacation for over half of this week, so I won't be checking in until Sunday and the goals are small. Big Goals: 1) STILL DONE! Eight years and this is finally complete! A new level of freedom has been found! 2) It's a big goal, but I'd really like to write out all of those new scenes before I go on vacation. I think there will be a lot of good with getting the major rewrites done, and letting them sit for most of a week, before typing them into the computer and reading the post overhaul version. 3) Study Japanese for 15 minutes every day, even when I'm on vacation. 1 letter per day, even when on vacation. Small Goals: 1) Send out eBay purchases before I leave Wednesday morning. 2) Respond to emails as needed. 3) Continue reading and enjoying any of the books I'm in the middle of right now. No GoT until I get back. I've been listening to a wonderful podcast called The Magnus Archives and I'm finally on the current season. Thus I would like to officially catch up while I'm on vacation. Stretch goal to finish the physical book while I'm on vacation as well. 4) Finish reading Success Principles while I'm on vacation. 5) Turn in the light bulbs to Home Depot on Wednesday. Stretch goal to look into a way to get rid of the ancient computer in the garage. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) An absolutely wonderful nothing needed. 2) These edits didn't end up getting done. Making the editing project for the weekend bigger to make up for it. 3) Perfectly on course. Some days my vocab has been taking 20 minutes to read the letter from my new Japanese penpals, some days I put the letter into Google translate and take the time to focus on the response. Hopefully I'll need that less and less, but for now it helps keep everything going. Small Goals: 1) A bit of a fail. I only found two more items to sell and didn't put the change into the car, even though that would have been easy to do. I know that I did do well focusing on the big goals for this checkin, plus this is an indication that the house really does have less and less stuff in it. So I'll keep looking at the bright side and try again for the next checkin. 2) No emails to keep up with, so success? 3) No progress, didn't read the success principles book at all. Luckily this is one of the goals I'm willing to work on while on vacation next week. Thus I think I'll focus on it more then. (Also I'm still plenty ahead of schedule for this anyways.) 4) I read a chapter of the physical book while listening to the rain. It was lovely. As planned I didn't get to GoT. 5) Flung 10 items out of the hopeful 15. That's pretty good considering the week. I also did look into the proper disposal of light-bulbs; apparently Home Depot will take them. That's a very actionable option, so a big success there. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) A wonderful peaceful nothing. 2) 12 edits to the novel. Ideally focusing on writing some needed scenes. 3) 15 minutes of vocab studying and write 1 letter in Japanese per day. Small Goals: 1) Clean out/check three last places for items to sell on eBay. Put change into car. 2) Keep up with emails. Send email to editor. 3) Paused. 4) Read 5% or a chapter of a book. 5) Fling 20 items from the basement. Take the light bulbs to Home Depot. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
After a very full week with a lot of activities and peopling I was ready to have a weekend at home to relax and recoup. I was thinking that I would focus more on getting some of these goals done, but I did the minimum and I'm ok with that. Sometimes the relaxing is more important. AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) There was some pleasant surprising news related to my degree this weekend. Namely the fact that I graduated with honors and got an award for excellence in study within my field. These were lovely ways to finish off this goal, particularly since they weren't expected. 2) I did the small edits that made sense. A number of them will be easier to do on the computer with a search and find, so I didn't push those. I did write out the card for the additional edits that are needed in the second half. 3) This was a rousing success! Google Play suggested a new app called Slowly that's basically penpals without the stamps. I'm able to choose others who have the app in Japan and send them a message, it then takes up to 24 hours to send the mail to them, they get it and respond and it takes another 24 hours to get it back. It's a bit meta, but I love how low key it is. There's often pressure to respond to online messages right away, but this takes that off my shoulders. From this point forward the goal is going to be 15 minutes of kanji/vocab and a letter per day. Right now it takes me longer than 15 minutes to write a message, if it gets to less than that perhaps I'll start writing two a day. Small Goals: 1) Stretch goal achieved! All 30 items were posted. 2) Emails kept up with. 3) Read 10 success principles and ordered the physical copy of 'Ask More'. 4) Did not read any of the book, did end up watching 10 episodes of GoT instead of 4. It is certainly enjoyable, and it's been a very long time since I binged anything so that in itself is a pleasure. 5) 5 thing fling from the garage is a success. 5 thing fling from the basement is a success. Saturday it was ok weather, but I wasn't ready to take care of the trees. Sunday was too wet to do anything about them. I love the rain, but it does make it hard to tend to the yard. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Absolutely nothing. And it's wonderful. 2) Right now I have 25 edits that need to get done by the end of this round. If I do 1 a day, not including Mondays, then they'll be done by the 15th. That means I'd have less than a week to type everything into the computer before the end of the round and I don't want to rush that much, plus I'd ideally like an additional read through before sending it out for beta reads. So I'm going to accelerate this a bit. The goal is to get this finished by the Sunday June 2nd checkin. The goal is two edits per day, not including Monday's or vacations. I've been in the mood to make major progress in one goal then put it to the side, so I'll be listing this as total number of edits expected per checkin, in case I want to do 4 hours of work in one night and get them all done. (My constant internal battle between stability and progress.) In conclusion; finish four edits before the next checkin. No if's, and's, or but's. 3) 15 minutes of vocab studying a day and 1 letter in Japanese per day. Small Goals: 1) Find 10 more items to sell on eBay. Put change to take to the coin star into the car. 2) Keep up with emails. 3) Read 4 success principles. 4) Read 5% of the new book. Not sure I'll have time for GoT before the next checkin so I think I'll save it for the weekend. 5) 5 thing fling the basement every day. I'm going to change my goals for the garage a bit. Right now there's much less stuff in it, but a lot of the stuff that's left needs to be disposed of in a particular manner. The new goal is to find and properly dispose of one type of item per week. This week is old light bulbs. The goal before next checkin is to research proper disposal and make a plan for said disposal. Then, if it's feasible implement over the weekend. Lastly I have some overarching house upkeep/repairs that I'd like to get done. I don't want to be overwhelmed but I don't want them to be forgotten either. Thus the goal is one a week almost all of it depending on weather. Some of these were mentioned before but were not acted upon. Paint front stairs Clean all the windows on the first floor Clean all the windows on the second floor Replace the dryer vent tubing Fix the mortar on the house Plant the trees Some other stuff that I'm not remembering at the moment For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
Ended up finishing the extended no goals vacation by going to bed very early yesterday. Still up on time today, and ready to set goals for the second half of this week! AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) All set! Done! Wonderfulness! Woot! 2) Did the editing during writers group and not much else, as planned. 3) Studied Japanese twice out of the last three days for 15 minutes. Small Goals: 1) Oversuccess! I found over 30 more items that I can post AND took pictures of them. 2) No news. 3) I ended up not reading any of success principles because I fell asleep in my chair while reading it yesterday. Woke up enough to send myself to bed afterwords. I will catch up this weekend. 4) I did end up reading a bit more of the new book. I've also been rewarding myself for finishing big goal one by watching all of Game of Thrones, which I've been putting off since I don't have enough time previously. I think that I'll be putting my progress on that goal to here for fun. Right now I'm on season 2 episode 7. (That's the one to watch next) 5) I reasonably kept up with keeping the house clean and otherwise enjoying it. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Nothing~ Isn't that exciting? 2) Take care of all the small edits that I have listed. Make a card looking at edits needed in the second half. Start to think of ways to fix those problems. 3) It's time to up the game. Studying 30 minutes a day. I'm not sure if this will be easier to do as two sets of 15 or as one time slot. We'll figure it out as we go. Small Goals: 1) Post 10 items. Stretch goal to post all items that I have pictures of. 2) Keep up with emails. 3) Read 10 success principles. Order physical copy of 'Asking Questions'. 4) Read at least 5% of the new book. Watch four episodes of GoT. 5) 5 thing fling of the garage every day. 5 thing fling basement every day. Buy and plant pear trees. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
I thought I was finishing transition week and then going into a new routine, but I'm reviewing my calendar and that's not quite true. The next two evenings are completely booked with extracurricular activities, so I'm going to call it an 'extended no plans vacation' until Wednesday. Thus the minigoals will be particularly light. AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) DONE! (I think I'll be leaving this here for the rest of the round, to relish the eight year process it's taken to complete this goal.) 2) I did look at the editing a bit more but never really for 20 minutes or for more than reading it over. That's fine, it's a transition week for a reason. 3) Successfully studied Japanese every weekday, did not get to it Saturday and haven't done it yet today, though I probably will. Eventually. If I feel like it. Small Goals: 1) Four out of five were completed! I did lower the eBay prices for 20 items (actually sold one of those already too), cashed in iBotta for $20, cashed in credit card rewards for $30, and cashed in the old account for another $30. Did not turn the coins into cash because I just wasn't willing to get into my car to drive to the place, which isn't exactly close anyways. 2) Emails responded to. 3) Read a little bit of the new book and have been enjoying it. 4) Successfully continued to read one success principle per day. I'm now up to #30! 5) Major success. The weather never cooperated properly so the windows didn't get washed and the outside stuff didn't get done. But that meant more time for the inside stuff which went quite well and ended up having a wonderful party. I've been going downstairs and simply been smiling because of the wonderful memories and sparkling house. I was also pleasantly surprised to notice how much easier it was to put stuff away with so much less stuff in the house. I know I shouldn't be that surprised, since that's been something I've been focusing on this year. But it was one of the first times I noticed the effects in such a useful and perceptible manner. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS As I said above I'll be extending my official day off to three days since I won't have the time to do much anyways, so these are light. Big Goals: 1) STILL DONE! 32 classes of done! Complete. Capoot. Freedom at last! 2) I'd like to make some pen on paper progress at writing group tonight. Other than that not worried about it until after next checkin. 3) Study Japanese for 15 minutes every day. I'll up it to 30minutes at the next checkin. Small Goals: 1) Choose 10 more items in the house to sell on eBay. Stretch goal to take pictures of them as well. Double stretch goal to post them. 2) Respond to emails as needed. 3) Continue reading and enjoying any of the books I'm in the middle of right now. 4) At minimum read one more success principle. Stretch goal to read three more. 5) Keep the house clean and enjoy it. More to be added next checkin. For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in. Please leave a comment, even if it's not related to the goals I don't mind, it's nice to know that someone sees this page!
Ok, it's May which means it's time for me to actually post these checkins on time again! I'm still in the middle of my transition week. This is the time to go from schoolwork to spring cleaning the house so that I can take the summer to double down to focus on editing and learning Japanese. I'm also finishing out some lingering goals and other activities that have been on my mind and distracting me from what's important. AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) Success! Attended two classes and turned in the final journal for creative writing. 2) Checked in with Camp NaNo before it finished and updated it. Did not hit my goal for Camp, but that's ok. I expected the process to take the whole round and it will. I did not end up looking at the editing on Tuesday but did get to it today. Which is a fine way to get into the swing of things. 3) Studied Japanese for 15 minutes everyday between checkins! Small Goals: 1) I finally posted those final frog eBay items. I also reviewed my finances for April. I ended up making ~125$ on eBay but also spent ~100$ that I didn't have to. (They were worth it, food out with friends etc.) Therefore the goal of saving 1000$ this round is not going nearly as well as the last one. Still, I'm ready to take the next steps now and get back at it. 2) So I looked into it and realized that I was a couple days late for the registration. I sent an email to see if it was worth sending in the registration late, but haven't heard a response yet. I did followup with the library, they responded that they were interested but weren't ready to discuss it yet. 3) Started the new book today; "The Frame-up". We'll see how it goes. 4) Did read one success principle per day. 5) The goal was to do 6 things, and I ended up getting 7 done! - Did clean the grill, it does have gas, and did a test run. - Half done by putting the luggage into the car. Now I just need to drive it to the donation place. - Half done by putting in an Amazon order for some frabreeze for the first floor. Will be installed once it arrives. - Put all traveling stuff into the car. - Cleaned up the trash that was in the yard. - Cleaned up the front tree circle area. - Brushed my puppers outside. - Deep cleaned first floor bathroom INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Sunday is an official day off, so even my 'every day' goals don't need to be done that day~ Big Goals: 1) DONE!!! 2) Continue to spend 20 minutes a day splitting scenes and figuring out the next step. 3) Study Japanese for 15 minutes every day. Small Goals: 1) My monthly expenses are about where I want them to be. Thus I won't be doing cost avoidance as much as obtaining more income through small actions. The following list are what I'd like to get done before the next checkin. After that I'll see about discounting items already on my eBay account or digging deeper in the house to find more to sell. I have about 100 items right now that average 10$ so if I actually sell everything, even at half price, that would be great progress for this goal. Lower eBay prices for the 20 items that have the fewest viewers/watchers Turn coins into real cash Cash in iBotta Cash in Credit Card rewards Cash in old account I did consider doing etsy, but I concluded that it wouldn't be good for me at this time. Posting things on eBay has gotten a reasonable amount of income for a set amount of invested time WHILE getting stuff out of my house. Whereas etsy would involve me spending more time to make things and then time to post then and they wouldn't give me that much space since it would be jewelry. I would like to work with etsy eventually, but right now it doesn't feel like the right fit. 2) Respond to emails as needed. 3) Continue reading and enjoying new book. 4) Continue to read one success principle a day. 5) Finish cleaning the first floor/outdoors before guests visit on Saturday. This includes (but will probably have even more) : Thursday - - Install the fabreeze thing - Wash windows - Mow front lawn - Weed patio - Clean kitchen - Empty dishwasher - Load/run dishwasher Friday - - Vacuum (including stairs and front porch) - Wash kitchen floor - Brush doggo outside again - Grocery shopping - Food prep Saturday - - Finish donating luggage - Anything else that's needed |
Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books