Big Goals: 1) Absolutely positively nothing since this is DONE! 2) Massive win! I overachieved by getting to over 20 of the 25 major edits. (The goal was 12.) The last edits are all new scenes, so they will take longer to do. But with the momentum of this week behind me I hope they'll get done that much faster! 3) I did study vocab every day but have been running a couple days behind on the letters. They take a long time to do, and I've been busy at work which means lunches were less available to get said letters done. Small Goals: 1) Did put the change into the car. Did also find a couple more items to sell in the last three places I looked, though probably won't post them until next month. Every week more and more is leaving my house, and I'm enjoying the items that are still here that much more! 2) Emails received and responded to. Email to the editor sent. 3) Read a couple more chapters of the physical book. 4) No progress, as planned. 5) Flung 20 items from the basement. Rescheduled the light bulb return to this week, since I know I'll be driving by there on Wednesday. Fewer trips is better for the environment! INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS I'm going on vacation for over half of this week, so I won't be checking in until Sunday and the goals are small. Big Goals: 1) STILL DONE! Eight years and this is finally complete! A new level of freedom has been found! 2) It's a big goal, but I'd really like to write out all of those new scenes before I go on vacation. I think there will be a lot of good with getting the major rewrites done, and letting them sit for most of a week, before typing them into the computer and reading the post overhaul version. 3) Study Japanese for 15 minutes every day, even when I'm on vacation. 1 letter per day, even when on vacation. Small Goals: 1) Send out eBay purchases before I leave Wednesday morning. 2) Respond to emails as needed. 3) Continue reading and enjoying any of the books I'm in the middle of right now. No GoT until I get back. I've been listening to a wonderful podcast called The Magnus Archives and I'm finally on the current season. Thus I would like to officially catch up while I'm on vacation. Stretch goal to finish the physical book while I'm on vacation as well. 4) Finish reading Success Principles while I'm on vacation. 5) Turn in the light bulbs to Home Depot on Wednesday. Stretch goal to look into a way to get rid of the ancient computer in the garage.
5/19/2019 07:25:20 pm
Great progress!
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