Some of my goals follow through to the next round, and some need the rest of the month to finish, so I'll be doing mini checkins to keep up with them until Round 2 starts. I personally format my check-ins as an after action review, then the setting of intentions/minigoals for the next check-in.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW 1) 50/50 again here. Called into my classes. Did not do the journal. Wrote an outline for the piece for creative writing but did not write it out yet. 2) I've kept up with the email account. Decided not to send the first email to the line editor yet. 3) All done with the documentaries, and much more prepared to edit this book! 4) Finally got to revising and recording meditations! It's not hard, it's just sitting my butt down to do it. MINIGOALS/INTENTIONS 1) Do journal for creative writing. Do journal for world civ. Write piece for creative writing. 2) Keep up with email account. Do send the emails to the line editor. Check in with those who are finishing edits.
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