For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. AFTER ACTION REVIEW
A pretty successful week so far. Moving the schedule back a day seems to work well with my natural rhythm for the week. The biggest thing I'm worried about is getting a upcycling project finished in the month. I'll make it a priority for the next checkin and we'll see how it goes! There's also been a lot going on at work so that's been affecting my energy levels at home. I'm glad that I made the big strides at the start of the round, so that I'm well on my way to success now! New No Meat Recipe - I had a late meeting at work which included dinner. I was going to do a meatless dinner today but didn't have time and the SO offered to cook. I decided to take the offer and forgo the goal for this week. One has to choose their battles. Minigoal checkin - Completed one wiki update. As this was the first one it took the longest, and since all updates will take research these will not be getting updated as fast as the reviews were. Still, I feel like I'm making much more of a contribution. I found the list of articles that need more information in the chemistry field, so it's a great way for me to use and expand my expertise! I posted in a FB group about me looking for an artist. I edited a SS and recorded another already. I'm enjoying it more than I expected! MINIGOALS Easy: Respond to one email about workshop scheduling. Send one email about scheduling workshops. Post in one new location about artist for CC. Research investing. Schedule one blog post. Priority: Print three SS. Stretch goal to read and write down needed edits. Edit 1 SS audio. Stretch for 2. Record 1 SS audio. Stretch for 2. Get to next major step in upcycling project.
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Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books