For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here. This busy half a week is almost to a close and I'll be able to concentrate on my goals in earnest again.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) DONE! The rough draft was complete and sent out. There have already been a number of responses of little improvements to make. I'm glad that I put in the extra time to get this done early, the more that people look at it the better the final product will be and the happier everyone involved will be. 2) I got in 7k steps yesterday and a bit fewer than that the day before. I'm sure today will be pretty high since I'm scheduled to do a lot of moving and cleaning at work today. I've been keeping to the meal plan with a lot of salads with fresh veggies from the farmers markets. Considering how unhealthy I could have been eating on a high activity week like this it's a huge win. 3) Passed. Small Goals: 1) Passed. (Did I mention how much less anxiety I had since I gave myself achievable goals for a busy week? It really helped.) 2) Read another two chapters of my physical book and have been listening to a variety of podcasts in the car. 3) Since I finished my digital book last checkin, and I had a little time to read something on my phone, I went into the archives and found an old writing related self-improvement book I've been meaning to read, "Jumpstart Your Novel" by Mark Teppo. It's quick so far, with an interesting premise around plotting a novel. This is fortuitous as I'm trying to plot a novel for small goal 5. I'll be trying this method out over the weekend and see how it goes! 4) The house is chored, the spices refilled, and the rest put away in a new organizational box. 5) I have mulled over my story some more. Mostly I think I need to understand the magic system more so that I can figure out how it's going to affect the world and the people in it. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS Big Goals: 1) Respond to all emails about the rough draft. Incorporate edits into the rough draft. Send a newsletter email. Respond to the email about a guest post finally. (It's been eating at me!) Prepare for the weekend meeting by doing research and posting a meeting agenda early. 2) 8k a day. Update the meal plan to be more accurate and include one new healthier recipe. Put in order for said meal plan and pick it up by Friday. Exercise once. 3) Finalize all the Japanese restaurants and make reservations as needed. Small Goals: 1) Finish Grandma's calendar. It's about 1/2 done so far. So either I can do a page a day, or I can just sit my butt down and finish it in an hour. I've been in the mood to finish things, plus it's going to take some time to print and get delivered and I'd like it to arrive in time to be used. 2) Read more of physical book. Listen to something in car. 3) Read more of self-improvement book. Stretch goal to finish it. 4) Clean the first floor of the house, since we're having people over this weekend. 5) Try out the first three steps from "Jumpstart Your Novel" and assess if it's helping me understand more of the story.
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100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books