For those tuning into this round my master goals list is here. The list of everyone participating in this round is here.
AFTER ACTION REVIEW: Big Goals: 1) All emails sent for works received thus far. 2) Did not get to 8K on Tuesday, but did reach it on all other days. Did 20 minutes of weights today. 3) Did write a letter in Japanese and watched an episode of anime without subtitles. Did not do the vocab that I should be doing. There needs to be a process change here but I don't know what. Perhaps studying earlier in the day? Before breakfast? Small Goals: 1) Did the check of family member photos on the calendar pages. Had to do some corrections but the calendar is ready for formatting. 2) Read a couple chapters from the book. 3) Read a chapter of diyMFA. Been skipping around a bit, which is helping me keep to topics that I find interesting. 4) Flung 15 items. It was a good idea to keep this idea small and manageable, because I had even less time than I originally expected to get stuff done at home this week. 5) I've been continuing to think about story ideas, but still nothing ripe. I'm hoping to spend time filling the tanks this weekend and upcoming week. INTENTIONS/MINI-GOALS It's a busy week that's leading into a busier weekend. Keeping everything on the low, while keeping forward momentum. Big Goals: 1) Put together new test copy of book cover. Respond to emails as needed. 2) 8K a day. Weights or Pilates once before the next check in. Continue with meal plan. 3) 15/min Japanese per day, studied in the morning. 1 letter. 1 anime without subtitles. Small Goals: 1) Format a single calendar page. 2) Read chapter of book. Continue to listen to audio book. 3) Read another chapter of self-improvement book. Read chapter of traveling Japan book. 4) Fling 15 items from the basement. Stretch goal to put together another bag of weeding together this weekend. 5) Nothing specific, filling the tanks mostly which is covered by small goals 2+3.
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Project Progress
100 Squats per Day
Read 52 Books